I'll Be Right Back... (Or not)

97 4 2

8:23 pm

happyvirusyeol61: eheheheeh

baekondhouse04: Why did you do that?

happyvirusyeol61: I really am sorry for what I said

happyvirusyeol61: I can't understand you because we're different

happyvirusyeol61: So I'll just accept that we're different

baekondhouse04: Why did you do that?

happyvirusyeol61: You don't like it?

baekondhouse04: But it made a commotion

happyvirusyeol61: I'm sorry?

happyvirusyeol61: The truth is that I chatted with Kyungsoo and planned about it

happyvirusyeol61: Just this weekend

baekondhouse04: Oh, so you know him already

happyvirusyeol61: Yeah!

happyvirusyeol61: And you're right

happyvirusyeol61: He's small

happyvirusyeol61: Just like you

baekondhouse04: Yah!!

baekondhouse04: You're just too tall!

baekondhouse04: We're normal

baekondhouse04: You are not

happyvirusyeol61: Hahhahahhahhaha

happyvirusyeol61: So really, you liked what I gave you

baekondhouse04: It's flowers Chanyeol

baekondhouse04: Flowers are for girls

baekondhouse04: I'm not a girl

baekondhouse04: I'm not even gay

happyvirusyeol61: Then give it to your mom

baekondhouse04: She's abroad

happyvirusyeol61: Oh, then buy a vase and put it there

happyvirusyeol61: gosh Baek, are you really smart?

happyvirusyeol61: You don't even know what to do to that?!

baekondhouse04: Hahahhaha who's the one to talk?!

happyvirusyeol61: YEAH?!

happyvirusyeol61: Even asking me advice to what you should do to those flowers

happyvirusyeol61: If you want, you can just plant them in your garden

baekondhouse04: I don't have a garden

happyvirusyeol61: Then put it in a vase

happyvirusyeol61: gosh, why are you playing dumb?

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