Connecting the dots.

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Alessio and Aries had finished up in the kitchen. They walked in an almost awkward silence now. Alessio had offered her a bedroom to recover in, though there wasn't much left to the night Aries accepted anyway. In truth she was eager to bathe and relieve herself, all the adrenaline had made her forget about her bladder. Though she was still lost in her environment, She'd never seen such a beautiful home. A beauty only bested by it's size. The hall they currently explored was large enough for a vehicle to drive through. The ceilings beyond unreachable, and the white covering the walls were as if the whole place had just been built. The floors where glossy, they looked cleaner than any dish Aries ever used. She felt uncomfortable walking over them and it seemed to show on her face. 

"For today, just rest. You can start work tomorrow, in truth I'll be too busy with other issues to even see you. I'll have Leone and Cataldo visit, show you around. Get you something to wear as well." Alessio spoke, though he seemed to be talking to no one in particular. Had Aries not known the context and been the only one in his company she'd of never thought he was speaking to her directly. He had a way of communicating on autopilot, his mind obviously elsewhere it was a vast contrast to the way they communicated earlier.  

Alessio then opened the door at the end of the hall, he held it open and remained at the entrance motioning an invitation with his head. Aries entered eyeing him with a side glance then examining the room. Like the rest of the house it was extravagant, the massive king bed and dresser sets didnt take up much space, there were two doors opposite from two massive windows, and a plush creme rug before the bed frame. She was startled by the sound of the door closing behind her but was comforted by the fact she was finally alone. Though curious as to why he left in such a manner, she didn't question it. It wasn't as if he was a warm welcoming man, she assumed it was just another quirk in his persona.

She took a few moments to take in the scene, she wasn't sure how to react. Did she take the time to escape, or did she make herself comfortable. This place is a fortress there's no way I'm getting out of here unnoticed, I bet there's a whole wall and border patrol too. A sigh of defeat escaped her before she made her way towards the doors. She opened the first one to reveal a massive walk in closet. It even made the girl in her swoon, before the intense feeling of needing to urinate took over. She rushed through the next door to find an ever larger bathroom, she quickly made her way to the toilet before she took the time to appreciate the surroundings. Why did they have to make everything so large, I swear my old apartment is the size of this bathroom. 

Once she was finished she began to strip off her clothing. Opening another door she found in the bathroom and placing the old clothes in the hamper that was inside. She took a towel from one shelf and a rose bathbomb from a glass jar. She made her way back to the large bathtub and turned the faucets, making it as hot as possible. She left the bath bomb on the corner of the tub, then left the water running while she made her way to the standing shower. She didnt take much time getting in, cleansing her hair and body with the products left on the shower shelf. She kept a careful eye on the tub that was filling up gradually. The rhythmic pattering of the water gave her bliss, the scents filling the air, the steam gathering. When she was finished she turned off the water and made her way to the tub. Placing the bathbomb in as she turned off the running water, she watched as it fizzled, the pink color of the water, the rose petals gathering. Steam rose and brought her comfort. She was grateful for this moment. When she felt the temperature was safe she entered her bath, she rested in her bliss. In her silence.

Alessio had finished changing into his suit Cara had laid out for him. She had always done well with leaving him prepared for his days, if he were a better man he'd make her his wife. Instead he took advantage of her acts of appreciation absent mindedly. Though one thing he did take note of was the woman had an eye for a suit, her taste was impeccable and he never felt the need to change any part of the outfits she'd chosen. They always seem to match the moods of his mornings. Cara had also done well with leaving early, she never stayed long enough to be a nuisance which was one thing he appreciated. Though this time he was surprised by her timing, he hadn't been to sleep and started his day earlier than usual still the outfit was ready and the bed was made, the room empty. As he often enjoyed starting his days alone. He found pressure in communication, too much in his mind, too much to do. No time for speech and relations. He adjusted his indigo tie and took a look at himself in the mirror, running his hair back with his plam, then briskly heading out of his bedroom. The smell of coffee welcomed him and he couldn't resist, he explored his way through his home in curiosity. His men and services weren't due for another hour so the smell of his morning elixir was a pleasant surprise.

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