Break Fast.

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 A dismissive silence filled the room causing Leone to leave quietly and make his way to the girl's room. He'd spotted a housemaid along the way and sent her off to fetch breakfast for the both of them, he then told some of the many standing guards to shop for new clothes in various sizes for the girl. The corridors were long and took time to explore, he replied to a few texts he'd received last night along the way, one message shook him to his core. "Your mother is returning from Italy next week, please alert Don Salvatore. She expects everyone to be there, and ready to visit Godfather for the holidays.'

The sound of the opening door startled him out the shock he was experiencing from the update. It had been years that they've seen their mother after the death if their sister. Leone didn't know what to make of it, but he knew there was no time for it. The female before him, who stood half out her door in suprise, was now the center of his attention. Her curls refreshed and timid compared to yesterday. Her face was soft but resembled his brother's in terms of lacking expression. She'd wore an oversized shirt, his brother's he was sure, and before she greeted him she styled her hair into a messy bun."Uh good morning, Your name is Leone correct?"

"Yea, good morning. I was coming to see if you'd join me for breakfast? I'm surprised you're awake, if I'm honest." Leone flashed a cheesy grin causing Aries to smile, closing the door behind her as she slowly walked past him.

"I'm a morning person." She spoke softly, carefully, and with precision. It was pleasant to the ears and Leone wondered if this was her personality in its natural state.

"Ah well, we can eat in the room, or if you'd like, we could eat downstairs?" He wasn't sure how to approach the initial invitation, it was definitely a drastic change of pace compared to yesterday. "I have some of the men shopping for your new wardrobe but if you'd like to borrow something from our sister's closet I can arrange that for you aswell." He shifted his body towards one of the bedroom's on the left side of the hall.

"Would she mind?" Aries cautiously eyed the man, glancing from him to the opposing bedroom.

"I doubt it, they aren't instyle anymore, as she would say." Leone chuckled before leaving to his sister's room, beckoning Aries with his hand as he swiftly opened the door. She followed closely behind and stood in awe of the view. The room was even more impressive than the one she'd been given. Peach walls, with gold crown molding, and furnishings to match. Although massive in size, it had personality, which made it cozy.

Aries hadn't realized Leone had left into an entirely different room but soon he was back with an outfit; a beige, knitted sundress, a black leather belt that matched some black sandals. "Try these out hopefully it fits, I don't know I tried to make it, fashionable." 

Aries graciously accepted the pieces and quickly went back to her room to change. Leone remained in his eldest sister's room, he wondered over the text he'd gotten, would his sisters be coming with his mother? How would they treat him, or Alessio. Everything was so different now. Dread replaced the excitement he expected to feel. The room was like a time capsule, just like any other room on the estate. Everything exactly how it was, everything pristine and perfect. He didn't understand how his brother could stand to live here, it wasn't a home. It was a museum, a governmental institution in it's own right. His apartment though significantly smaller and far from spotless, gave him more comfort than this luxurious castle ever did growing up.

"Sotto capo, the breakfast you've requested is arriving soon." A small faint voice of a young service maid brought Leone out of his mental fog. His somber mood quickly lifted. 

" Ah yes, Darla be a doll have them set everything up downstairs for me will ya." A full bright smile took over his expression as he made his way out of his sister's bedroom, closing the door behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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