Chapter 1.) Awake

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Edd's P.O.V

Edd sat down in the waiting room, matt asleep next to him in another chair. They hadn't moved from their seats for hours, waiting for thomas to wake up. He had suffered from alcohol poisoning when he celebrated defeating tords giant robot with his harpoon. But drank to much, edd had gone to check on him when he saw the short male on the ground. He had thought maybe tom had passed out, but to make sure checked to see if he was breathing. And to his horror tom wasn't, so he told matt to call the hospital. Edd surely wasn't going to allow himself to lose another friend. Now one year has passed sense tom was brought to the hospital and discovered to be in a coma, edd and matt on edge, until finally they got a call tom was waking up. But sadly there were affects from being out that long and tom had gone blind from low brain functions. And dehydration, so tom had to have many fluid transitions before edd and matt could see him. Now edd was just waiting for the ok. Chin resting in his palm, edd notices the door open from toms room and perks up. A doctor turns to him with a soft smile.
"You can see him now, just be aware he is very touchy about losing his sight. So don't upset him please" standing up edd nods, he than wakes up matt who jumps and looks around startled.
"It's ok matt, we can see tom" he says softly to the ginger as to not startle him further. Matt blinks tiredly than smiles widely.
"Little Tim's ok?" Edd snorts as matt once again mistakes toms name for tim, if tom were to hear that, he'd correct matt with a scowl. Helping matt get up, the two walk into toms room. The brunette looks up towards there detrection but not actually at them, sense he can't see. He has a bandage wrapped around his face, hiding his "eyes", witch makes edd tilt his head in confusion.
"Uh, tom? Why the bandage?" Edd asked as politely as he could without sounding like a jerk. Tom looks away and down at his lap, a frown on his face.
"Cause why not" he shot back making edd flinch, matt runs pass edd and hugs the short male. Who gasps in surprise not expecting matts sudden affection. Edd chuckles as tom hesitantly wraps his arms around the hugging ginger, not wanting to make a mistake and be embarrassed. Walking over to the two edd pats tom on the head.
"How ya feelin?" He ask, tom shrugs letting go of matt, who continues to hug him.
""Fine I guess? A bit confused, how'd I get hear?" Matt backs away from tom and looks at edd, who looks at matt. Making tom think they left.
"Uh, guys? You still there?" He ask looking around even though he's looking at nothing but darkness.
"Were still hear tim" Matt replies so tom will stop looking around like and idiot. Tom sighs in relief, but scowls.
"It's tom, not tim, matt" he corrects, matt nods and fumbles with his fingers.
"Sorry tom" Matt mumbles, tom tries to reach out to pat matt's shoulder but draws back nervously not able to find matt to confert him.
"It's ok matt" tom says softly, matt smiles and nods, forgetting tom can't see. Edd puts a hand on toms shoulder witch makes the brit turn his detrection.
"What happend tom, was you had alcohol poisoning and went into a coma" he explains, tom gasps.
"How long?" He asked with a loud voice witch makes edd jump.
"A year" Matt answers for edd, toms hands ball up into fist.
"I'm so sorry, I'm such and idiot. How could I be so selfless! I'm just a stupid drunken loser!" Tom hisses at himself under his breath, his fist shaking. Edd grabs toms arms to stop him from shaking.
"Tom don't talk about yourself like that, it's not all your fault. We should of listened to you about that traitor but we didn't. But that dosent matter, all that matters is you getting better!" Edd says, tom gose silent and still. Edd, couldn't believe tom didn't have a comeback or anything else to say, usually he did. But tom stayed silent, not knowing what to comment. Matt sensing the tension turns on the tv, the news playing. A women than shows up, and she's standing in front of the hospital. Gun shots being heard, edd turns to the television and watches as the women talks.
"Today at a local hospital the known growing threat of the red army lands an attack on it, threatening millions of people and there loved ones, will anyone save these endangered people's l-"
She was than caught off by a loud gun shot that struck her to the ground with a splatter of blood, the tv going silent. Edd, matt, and tom go silent as well, horror struck at what they heard. Suddenly a loud explosion shakes the building, cracks growing acrost the walls and the power flashing off and on. Toms heart meter going dead as the power reboots it, making edd jump back to society, and look back at the blind male in worry. But to his relief tom was fine, and the cause of the machines turning off an all, didn't harm him. Matt whimpers scard, clinging to edd's side, while tom "looks" around confusingly, not understanding what's going on.
"What the hell is the Red Army!?!" He suddenly ask, swinging his legs over the bed and attempting to get up. But not able to see, and not moving around for at least a year he stumbles and falls,especially sense the whole building is shaking, and curses.
"Ow, fuck" edd rushes to his side to help the shorter male up, who pushes him away with a growl.
"I got it" he mumbles, pushing edd away, but using one of the green hoodied males arms as support. A doctor rushes in and locks the door, than frowns at the two for allowing tom to get out of bed.
"What is he doing out of bed? Especially when the red army is attacking!!" The doctor snaps angerly taking a step towards the blind brit, but edd blocks the doctors way.
"Leave him alone, he can stand if he wants, it's not hurting him. Is it?" Edd challenged, the doctor frowns but backs away in defeat and stands by the door. Tom turns toward the derection he thinks edd is, witch edd tries not to laugh as the brunettes looks at the wall instead of him.
"Uh, edd? Did you bring me any of my clothes or did the doctors keep em? Cause uh, i don't wanna be in a hospital gown through all this" he says embarrassed, his face red. Edd nods, than remembers tom can't see and answers with a snort.
"Yeah, I brought some in my bag I'll get them. But you gotta change out here, don't want you falling since the buildings be attacked an all" edd says calmly, tom frowns but nods reluctantly.
"Keep your dammed eyes closed, all of you. Got it!" They all answer him with a "uh-huh" and edd hands tom some clothes he brought in a back pack that he had slung over his shoulder before comming here. Tom quickly changes himself with only a few stumbles and falls. When he gives everyone the ok to open their eyes, multiple gun shots are heard through the halls with screaming and people shouting.
Edd watches the door handle jingle as someone tries to open it and gose still, as dose everyone else in the room. The doctor watches the door handle with horror, her eyes almost bugging out of there sockets as she watched. The door handle stops moving and everyone takes a relieved sigh, than tom makes the mistake of talking.
"Shit, that was scary" everyone turns to him and makes a "shh" noise and tom flinched realising what has done and whispers.
"Sor-" the door brakes off it's hinges, falling to the ground with a loud thud, scaring the four. Soon ten soldiers file into the room, holding revolvers at the four citizens. Edd, matt, and the doctor put their hands in the air in surrender while tom stands there confused, his hands in his hoodies pocket. The soldiers look at tom confused, seeing the bandages around his face,  one of them with overly large eyebrows, looks at edd.
"What's wrong with him?" He ask not to nicely, edd smiles nervously.
"Uh, he's blind.." he answers and the soldier nods in acknowledgement.
"Hey you! The blind one in the blue hoodie, put your hands up!" The soldier commands, but a frown grows across toms face, not to happy to be called the "blind one" edd looks down and shakes his head, why'd the soldier have to call him that. Tom crosses his arms, not even looking the soldiers direction.
"How bout no, you red army fuck" Tom snaps back, standing in place and not making an effort to listen to the red soldier. Edd face palms, wishing tom would just listen, than puts his hand back up as a soldier raises their gun at him. The soldier looks dumbfounded not knowing what else to say.
"Please?" They ask pitifully witch edd least expected them to do. Tom snorts and shakes his head, making the soldier sigh and tell two other soldiers to take down tom. Edd panicks, wishing the soldiers not to cause any harm to the blind male. Tom struggled in the soldiers grasps, swearing and cursing at them angerly and throwing unaimed punches, only hitting a soldier out of pure luck. After about ten, twenty minutes they have the blind male restrained, while the other three stand and wait for what happens next, the only sound in the room is toms mumbling, the attackers had muzzled him, yes like a dog, witch made edd disgusted. How dare they treat his friend like a dammed animal, it made him mad, but he couldn't do anything sense ten guns were pointed at his and his friends, plus a doctor's , heads.

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