Chapter 4 : Stayne

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"Ahhh."- Rey shouted as he nearly unbalanced himself with the force of the ram's impact on the door, from the base

"So we won't last for long." - Anakin

"There are at least 15 battalions of droids waiting outside." - Rann

"How wonderful." - Anakin

"Don't you have any more entries?"- Rey 

"Miss, this is the only entrance or exit." - Rann

"Wait ... there's the air tubing." - Rey

"Which suggests we scrape ourselves by the air pipes." - Rann

"Not that at least the researchers are leaving, this is no place for civilians." - Rey

"I don't think they're going to give up the fight that easily after all this place has been their home for some time now." - Rann

"Have you talked to the republic yet?" - Rey 

"No, the base transmitter was damaged, and ... we could not communicate with Shaak Ti's fleet." - Anakin

"So we're in the dark, almost literally because it's only a matter of time before they find the power lines and take away our energy."- Rey 

"There I saw a man. " Rann said.

"Where?" - Anakin asked looking at the monitor.

"Between the machines here." - Rey said pointing at the monitor

"Who is he?" - Rann

"Ilosovic Stayne." - Rey said with  no doubt

"How do you know?" - Rann asked before Anakin could ask himself the same question.

"He wears a red eye cape." - Rey 

" Who is him ."- Rann asked 

" I'm also in need to be updated on this matter ."- Anakin

"General of a garnde part of the droid army, native of Carida, planet that joined the separatists well at the beginning of the war, he rose to the ranks of general for being extremely efficient, and ... he has a reputation." - Rey

"What?" - Anakin

"Of being cruel." - Rey

"How cruel?" - Anakin

"He is a practicioner of cannibalism." - Rey

" Ohhhh . So he's a sadistic ."- Anakin a little tense

" Pretty much ."- Rey said 

 She seemed to be very calm for that situation, she seemed to know him, so she should know of the dark things that gave him that reputation that she had quoted before .

Rey turned to Anakin but when he was going to talk it was over, the light went out and all the electrical things turned off.

"They found the power lines." - Anakin

"Do you think ? "- Rey 

Anakin and Rey went to the machines to try to reconnect them, but when they went to the room there machines, they realized that they had been smarter, the separatist troops had overloaded, the rifles of electricity, and could not re connect the energy .

They went to the people at the base, then asked everyone to get dressed, because the base heaters were going to go off, so Anakin and, Rey, were in a hallway near the entrance.

"They want us to die of freezing ." - Rey 

"It seems that Mr. Stayne wants to make ice cream of us." - Anakin

" Anakin it's not time for jokes ."- Rey 


After two hours the ram, broke the door, Anakin and Rey waited for droids to enter but, nothing happened, it was clear that their plan was, even let them die of freezing, Anakin and Rey stayed in the door.

"Maybe we should think of something, to end up not succumbing to the cold." - Rey

"Locking the researchers and the clones in an anti-Panic room was not the best of their ideas." - Anakin

"At least they will be safe . Ani, I don't understand you. "- Rey

"It's not because of  them being in  there, it's because you didn't stay inside the room." - Anakin

"And you truly believed that I was going to leave you out here alone, even after everything we've been through, it may only be two years since we met, but I told you I won't leave your side. Not for a long shot . "- Rey 

" Just two years ?"- Anakin 

" Yep ."- Rey 

" It seems as if we know each other since ..."- Anakin

" Since I was born ."- Rey 

" Yeah . And I do like you a lot ."- Anakin

" You boys ."- Rey 

" You boys what ?"- Anakin

" Your not telling me everything ."- Rey

" Okay , you have a large portion of my heart, and I have a great affection for you. "- Anakin

"Ani if we are going to die now it's better to say that ..." - Rey was enterrompida by a rumble in, and the image of a crusador of the republic tore the sky


At some time they were going to the republic, in the fleet of Shaak Ti and soon they were updated on what was happening . 

"Ilosovic's fleet, retreated as soon as they realized we were coming, this attitude  doesn't quite match the reputation he's making for himself, but it was better to just avoid the fight." - Shaak Ti

"The base researchers will have to be reallocated." - Rey 

"Yes." - Shaak Ti

"I'm glad I'm coming home." - Anakin

"Have you rest ?" - Shaak Ti

"There wasn't much else to do." - Rey

"But, tell me how to be Obi-wan?" - Anakin

"Ahhh, I think you'd better ask Master Yoda when we get to Coruscant."-Shaak Ti told him 

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