Chapter 12: Clash of the Titans

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Eren stepped inside the Student Union and made his way over to the Food Court, loosening his jacket. As the temperature fell outside, the buildings got warmer and warmer. Eren spied Mikasa and Sasha (in her dining hall uniform) sitting with another girl in a campus services shirt. Mikasa waved him over.

"He hath emerged! It's a good thing too, because I need to talk to you-"

Eren snickered and took the seat next to his sister, pecking her lightly on the cheek. She was always angry with him these days.


"Yeah, yeah, back to the land of the living. Only for a little while. In fact, the guys should be here any minute."

Eren twisted in his chair to make sure his squad hadn't arrived yet. Sasha perked up.

"Will Connie be with them?"

"Sure, why?"

Sasha stuffed from bread in her mouth and mumbled something that sounded like "no reason." She looked at the table and blushed. Eren considered them as a couple for a moment and decided he liked the idea. The girl he didn't know shifted position and drew his attention.

"I'm sorry, I don't think we've met. I'm Eren."

The dark haired girl smiled weakly.

"I'm Isabelle. Nice to meet you."

Sasha piped up.

"Isabelle works with me. She is a Junior so she has been showing me the ropes."

Eren looked at the new girl with some interest. If she was a junior maybe she knew Levi...

Eren opened his phone to check for any messages, listening to the girls resumed conversation with half an ear.

"I'm sure it's just all in your head Izzy. It's going to be fine."

"I know, I just get such a bad feeling from this guy. I told Fallon but he just laughed and dismissed my concerns. He said people will think I'm beautiful because I am."

Sasha snickered.

"See? He's a good boyfriend."

Mikasa spoke next.

"No, that's Bullshit. I don't like the sound of this guy either. We need to get him to back off and leave you alone. Eren-"

"Hey guys! Over here"

Eren leapt up from the table waving eagerly at his squad who had just walked through the arch that separated the food court from the lobby of the union.

Jean, Marco, Connie, and Armin walked over and grabbed the tables next to the girls. Connie snagged the seat next to Sasha in a move so smooth, Eren would have missed it if he hadn't been paying attention.

Mikasa let out a frustrated sigh and tried to start speaking again but the conversation was interrupted by the boisterous pledges.

"Eren please, would you just-"

This time it was Jean who interrupted.

"Oh crap, I thought we would have a fucking minute..."

Brothers Hannes, Kyle, and Akkin, emerged from the entrance on the far side of the food court. They would walk right past the pledges to get to the food line.

The Beta Kai were already on their feet. Marco fidgeted nervously and tried not to make eye contact with Hannes when the three brothers stopped right in front of them.

It was Akkin who spoke.

"Good afternoon, pledges."

They responded in unison.

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