chapter 1 New worlds and machines [edited]

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Ruby was running though the woods near vale looking for her team who got separated when there bullard went down due to nevermores.
When she saw a bright light and smoke apper though the trees up ahead.

When she got closer ruby poked her head around a tree she was hiding behind. She saw a figure banging on a strange looking machine partly buryed into the ground.

??"fuck you! Work you son of a bitch! Why wont you work!?!"

Ruby watched as the man stood up out of the machine walked round to what she thought was the rear and grunt as he 'tryed' to lift some of the heavy plating on the back.

?? "Almost there come on move!"

Ruby adjusted herself causing a twig to snap makeing the strange man to lose his grip on the plate droping it on his hand.

??"OWW!! damm! who's there??
I warn you im armed"
He yelled as he pulled a strange weapon from his hip holster and looking in the direction of the sound.

??" Come out with your hands up! I wont shoot if you come out now"

Ruby knowing she got noticed stood up and complied to the strange mans orders


"Just move please" i thought while trying to get the metal plate of the engine deck to lift up.
When a sound startled me! making me lose my grip on the heavy plate droping it on my hand.
"OWW!" i yelled in pain "whos there?!? Come out!"
I yelled drawing my sidearm

A small girl with black hair and red highlights waring a red cape and black mini skirt with black knee high boots came out from behind a tree.

"Identify yourself " i ordered
"And who is your benefactor?"
Leveling my gun at her

"My name is ruby rose and i dont know what benefactor is" the girl stated

"Ok.. miss rose are you friend or foe?" I asked rewording my question

Letting my gun drop a little

"Friend!" she answered imidentity.

With a look of relief spreading across my face i put my gun back in its holster i went to my next problem- freeing myself.

Rubys pov.
The strange man put the strange weapon back in his holster and tryed to lift the metal plate with his free hand bit failed.
"fuck!" He exclaimed.

Moving over to help i pulled out her sythe and jammed the tip under the plate at an angle

"Ok mr.. im going to leverage this metal off of your hand as soon as i do i want you get you hand out as quick as you can" i stated

The stranger nodding in agreement

We seid in unison.

Thats chapter one sorry bout the cliffhanger but i dont have it in me right now plz comment yay or nay if you want this to continue thanks and hope to see you in the next one bye😊

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