✌Better Off That Way

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  Kennedy P.O.V.

"Wake yo ass up"someone yelled smacking me with a pillow, I opened my eyes to see all my siblings staring at me. I looked at my alarm clock 6:17am,tf?

"What?" I asked in a groggy voice pissed at them because i fell asleep around 4am cause you know the day before the first day of school when you can't sleep at night.

"Wake yo ass up,it's the first day of school, brush ya teeth cause yo breath 3 hot then come downstairs we gotta surprise for you" Nook told me before they all left my room.

   After brushing my teeth,I headed downstairs to see my surprise. "Goodmorning family" I sung I was happy but didn't know why,Okay that's a lie that kiss with Keenon last night laaawwwddd his lips.

"Where my surprise at?"I asked with my hands on my hip.

"Damn nigga Ion get no hey,I missed you,how you been,are you ready to be a father" JT said

"Wait,damn where is the love" Caleb said.

"Here" Ash said handing me a little ass box,this shit better not be a ring cause if these hoes put their money together just to buy me a ring imma be pissed and that shit better be real or imma straight up sell that shit for $25. I opened the box to see a set of keys but not just any keys,they were car keys but not no ordinary car keys but car keys to a Range,Range as in Range Rover,I ran outside to see all my siblings car and a all white Range Rover sitting in front of the mail box,I quickly opened the door,leather seats,black interior it was beautiful. I jumped up and down screaming like a maniac in my boxers and sports bra probably looking like a fool. I seen Kendrick come outside dragging his trashcans, watching me. We glanced at each other I was gonna wave but he rolled his eyes at me so I said fuck it.

   After saying my thanks to everyone and silently thanking God I called Q,Soul and Rock telling em not to catch the bus today. I took a shower got dressed in faded ripped skinny jeans,plain white tee with a pocket and my OG tan timbs,pulling my dreads into a ponytail I hopped in my whoop skipping breakfast. I picked up Rock first,Soul was already with Rock.

"Lil Ken look at you, I see you whipping let me have this for a day"Rock said touching shit.

"Well you know me and no nigga so you can get my shit shot up"I told him. As we pulled up to Q house. He ran outside and jumped on the hood of my car

"Get off my car Quincy" I yelled out my window

"Ay, fat boy hop off before you put a dent in it"Soul told him. Causing Q to come in the car talking bout how Soul blind and can't see. The whole ride to school Q was cracking jokes on how this school year will be and if Soul gone get any type of play this year. After finding a good parking spot and let these niggas no who car it is so they won't steal it,we walked to the auditorium got our schedules then headed to the gym for an assembly.


    Kids crowded the gym,laughing and hugging probably say I missed you and didn't even think about yo ass at all this summer. I didn't have circles I talked to everyone but I did have like 3 different  triangles in school (a triangle=3 ppl ). My only circle was with TDE other then that everyone else is just there. I sat on bottom row bleacher close to the door with Dre and Alice(my main triangle) as we talked about our summer. The principal grabbed a mic and started speaking

"Seniors, this is your last year at Cenntinal High School(I know they all went to different school but it'd be too much to have em all going to different schools),I expect better for you guys,I know you guys wanna graduate and get out of here and I want y'all to, set an explain for the under classmens,so this year I expect no fighting,cussing out teachers and administrators" he said looking at me

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