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It was foolish of me to think that everything was going to be ok, that everything was going to work out and worst of all, it was foolish of me to believe Elijah.
Men are the definition of foolish, they are pathological liars, and I can't believe that I trusted and believed Elijah when he said there was nothing going on with Hayley when clearly there was and still is. But I now know that I cannot believe his, sweet, yet complete bullshit talk anymore.—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
"And why is my brother's beloved wife out all by herself. Where is my annoying older brother by the way?"
Klaus. "I needed some space. Although I don't know why, all I seem to have these days is space." I rolled my eyes while Klaus on the other hand looked at me with confusion. "As for where your brother is, just look for Hayley and you will find him." I sighed. Klaus smirked. "Is someone getting a little unhinged, dare I even say jealous?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. "I wish that was all it is." I took in a deep breath, Klaus stepped closer and looked slightly concerned. "What do you mean love? Has Elijah done something?" Klaus asked, seemingly concerned. "I can't do this anymore Klaus, I can't watch him fall in love with her, I can't listen to his lies anymore." Tears fell but I wasn't done. "I can't be with him anymore, I can't be a Mikaelson anymore." I was about to wipe the tears from my face when Klaus grabbed my arms. "You can't leave him, I know Elijah is forgetting some morals here, but you don't know what will happen if the women he has loved for 500 years leaves him. Coming from me love, that has to mean something. At least give me time to show him what he is putting aside. You. Let me show him what he is forgetting." "It won't work." I sighed. "Trust me love, I have the perfect plan."
Later That Night
Third P.O.V
"Hazel, darling, where are you?" Elijah called. "Well, well brother, finally come home in search of your beloved?" Klaus smirked, glass in hand. "Niklaus. Where is my wife?" Elijah asked, all but pleased with seeing Klaus instead of his beautiful wife. Klaus stood up from the couch. "Gone." Klaus continued to smirk. "And where has she gone?" Elijah frowned, wondering where his wife would've gone. "Let's see, what did she say again, oh yes, "I am not going to stand by and watch my husband fall in love with another women" and then something about no longer wanting to be a Mikaelson. Such a shame really." Klaus joked playfully, know full well that she wasn't gone. Elijah grew sad than grew angry. "You let her leave, you let her believe those lies. Where has she gone Niklaus? Surely she told you." Elijah grew closer to Klaus, furious his brother did nothing to stop his wife from leaving. "What lies brother? You can see it clear as day. You have fallen for the mother of my child and neglected to see how much hurt you had put on poor Hazel." Klaus mocks with a fake pout. "Is this a game to you? Are you enjoying yourself, Niklaus?" "Enjoying myself?! How could I possible do that when the only other person in this god forsaken family that understood me and never judged me has left because of you!!!" Klaus screamed at Elijah.
Hazel's P.O.V
I listened more as they threw punches and as things got broken. I listened to Klaus lie about how I was gone and I listened as Elijah grew more and more weak against Klaus. Until all that was heard was a sob, a heartbreaking sob, coming from Elijah. It was then that I knew that if I truly wanted Elijah to feel the hurt that I did, I needed to leave for real, not just play Klaus's game. Elijah truly needs to know what it feels like to be all alone.

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