coming soon

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one shot coming february 2019. add to your libraries now :)


so, i sat my mock final for english language today (14th january 2019) and the final question was creative writing. my actual exams are in may and i'm gonna fail but yeehaw.

back to the final question. it was "write a short story about two people from different backgrounds."

earlier on in the day i had joked that i'd write shane and ryland fanfiction for my exam because i'm eDgy and tried to make my friends laugh. they didn't laugh but continuing on. when i opened the exam paper, i came across this question i realised that holy shit!!1! i could adapt shane and ryland into a short story like this and it would actually fit perfectly.

so, i had 45 minutes to write as much as possible, and ended up writing something similar (but not identical) to broken, a story i wrote on wattpad around a year ago.

the length of it was most probably around 2000 or 3000, i'm not sure how long, but here's the thing; i wrote so much that i didn't even proof read it. so it could be completely shit. but, regardless, i think it went well, so when i get the exam paper back in february i'm going to copy it onto wattpad and post it (if it's actually any good). so make sure to add this to your library!

anyway i took a risk writing some dark, depressing gay love story where people are punching mirrors and hating themselves in my exam because i'm probably gonna be pulled aside in class and asked if i'm "feeling down again" (answer: yes i am, exams stress me out. i overwork to such an extent that it becomes unhealthy but i'm working on it i promise!! i'm sorry i haven't updated pastels in two weeks but i'll get back on track once mock exams are done (jan 23rd). my english teacher is super sweet and young and she likes the stuff i write so hopefully she'll like it :))

also shane liked my tweet last week and i screamed so loud my mum thought i was being murdered so that's cute. it's my first notice from him and it made me super happy, even when someone had a go at me on twitter (fun).

feel free to ask me questions and chat in the comments section. i love you all and wish me luck on all the other exams i'm gonna fail cos i'm only good at story writing (and i'm pretty shit at that too) 🤠 -amber

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