WHEN NO ONE IS LOOKING (the tenth part)

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Kathy opened the door of her apartment, entered, and locked the door behind her with the three locks she had installed when she moved in a few months ago. As she always did when she came home she walked through the whole five-rooms and looked in every closet to make sure there was no one there. She made sure every window was locked and the heavy curtains pulled tight. Satisfied. She stood in the middle of her bedroom and took off every stitch of clothes she had on. These she placed in the dirty clothes basket. 

She ran her hands along the sides of her body and then between her legs and up her stomach and over her breasts. Kathy took a towel from the closet and folded on her chair before she sat down in front of her computer and signed on. 

Kathy checked her email list. Erased those that had no meaning and responded to a few. Then she searched for several chat-rooms to see who might be an interesting person to spend and evening with.  Her favorite was ovaries.com. As she scanned the ID and avatars her eye was caught by a pretty blonde's face with the ID Susan and she clicked on her ID. She sent a simple "Hello."

A few seconds later she got a response. Also Hello but with the added How R U?

Kathy smiled and replied, "Great & U? My name is Kathy callled KAT."

After a few more pleasantries they decided to open a private chat room and Kathy smiled to herself.  The room temperature had been raised before she started so she was quite warm as she looked down her body.  Kathy clicked on her camera and sent a picture of her now erect nipple to Susan and waited to see if she got a response. A picture of two heavy breasts came up on her screen.

Next to the desk she was using was another computer set up and she transferred this picture to it and hit the search button. A minute later a porn site popped up and showed the same two breasts from another porn gallery site. She thought to herself, "I have caught another one." A few more keystrokes and she hacked onto "Susan's" location and real identity. As a guy named  Samuel. "Gottha.", she said out loud.

She returned to the first computer and asked what Susan/Samuel wanted to do. The reply was roleplay and Kathy agreed but told "Susan" to begin and she would follow "her" lead. 

A  few minutes of exchanging sexual descriptions while continuing to hack Samuel's system got his address and  the name of his wife and children. Nothing is hidden in this age of computer information. She copied all this exchange and placed it into and envelope addressed to Samuel's wife. Along with a list of the porn sites he had explored. She included a brief letter explaining what she did and why.

Kathy logged out, stood, stretched and walked into her bathroom. A nice warm shower and while reading in bed she mused over her ruined life after she found out about her ex-husband's infidelity while using their computer not only to watch pornography but also to set up dates with women around the country when he was away on business trips. 

That is not love as she knew it to be. She felt dirty and used. When he was home she began to feel like nothing more than a hole in their mattress. He had no feelings and after hiring a private detective agency to follow and record his every movements she was convinced he felt no remorse even when she, in the presence of police, her lawyer, a psychologist, her friends, and family he saw nothing wrong in what he had done. He felt it was a man's duty and right to act in whatever way he felt like. Women were just objects to be used as he saw fit. He even saw nothing wrong in that he was having two affairs with two women right up to their marriage ceremony and again during their honeymoon. One of these women was even staying at the same resort they had gone to. 

Through her tears she handed him the legal papers that dissolved their marriage.

Now three years later she could do for other women what she had discovered the hard way. 

This is not love she wrote at the bottom of her letter.

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