Chapter 1

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It is short but I hope you do enjoy!


I sat there staring at my bowl, playing with my cereal using my spoon. I was extremely anxious. Today is the first day back of the school year and I'm going into year eleven.

Let me introduce myself, my name is Nicole Gleeman. I am 16 going on 17. I have been bullied my whole high school life. I have decided to do something about my bulling and I have decided to change my look around.

But the thing was, my bullies were not just bullying me. They bullied my best friend too. And, we have no clue why! It just started and now we have to put up with it.

My mum snapped me out of my daze. "Nikky, it's time to go to school honey!" She yelled from down the hall.

Okay! Keep your shit together.

"Bye mum!!" I said as I shoved my bowl in the sink, and slung my bag over my back, I walked over to my mum giving her a kiss on the cheek.

I heard a honk from out the front. I ran out the door to see my friend Jessica sitting in the front of her mums car.

"Hey," she says as I jump in the front seat. "Hey," I smiled back at her weakly. "What's up? I can tell something is wrong..." I thought for a moment. "I am nervous I think, what if people don't like me?"

She just looked at me, "who wouldn't like you? Come on!" I just nodded my head. "Let's go?" I nodded.

We are on our way for one hell of a ride.

~at school~

As we walked in to school, we had people stare at us. Either because A. the last few years I was kind of ugly and fat and lost lots of weight over the holidays or, B. the fact that the flat chested twins as the sluts of the school called us had actually groans some boobs.

I heard a whistle coming from my left and saw the most gorgeous guy at school winking and smirking at me, the only bad thing about that is he is my bully.

Niall Horan...


Celebrate good times! C'mon whoo whoo

-lilly xxoo

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