part 2;

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- amber's pov -


I woke with a pig's nose nuzzled in my neck, slightly tickling me when he breathed. I mentally awed at the cuteness and peered at the clock. Nine o'clock. I gently nudged Vic off of me and went into the bathroom. I showered, brushed and blow dried my hair and put on light makeup.

note to self: Vic really hates blow dryers.

I dressed in black skinny jeans and a Greenday T-shirt. i brought Vic outside for a walk after we both had breakfast. It was quarter of eleven when we came back from our twenty minute walk. I walked into the house and shared some goldfish with Vic then changed the puppy pads around the house. I then heard someone pull in the driveway, as my curiosity peaked i looked out the window to see a black range rover pulled into my driveway. Andy got out followed by another boy i've never seen before. As they approached the door I noticed Andy dressed a lot differently then his work clothes. A few seconds later I heard a knock and I opened the door and smiled at them.

"Hey, this is CC." Andy announced, gesturing to his friend who waved and smiled.

"Hi. Um, come in." I said, stepping backwards and opening the door wider. They both stepped in and CC spoke up.

"Where's the pig?" He asked happily, looking around the apartment.

"Vic!" I said loudly into the hallway, seconds later the small creature came bounding towards us, his little tail whipping back and forth rapidly. I looked over at CC and he smiled widely the second he laid eyes on the pig. Vic walked up to CC and sniffed his black combat boots and he bent down to pet his head. I found myself smiling at the two.

"Hi there little guy." CC said to the animal, the smile still plastered on his face. I glanced at Andy who was also grinning with his tattooed arms crossed on his chest. He had on a black leather jacket, black ripped skinny jeans and black combat boots like CC. CC had on a black tang top and black skinny jeans with a small rip at the knee. I had to admit, they both looked pretty badass.

"You guys want anything?" I asked politely. "Water?" a series of "no thank you" tumbled from their lips "I have beer." I stated and they both looked up.

"Yeah sure that'd be great." Andy answered, CC nodding agreement. I had a beer every once and a while, but I never really had any in the house. The only reason I had beer in the fridge was because it was my boyfriend's. I had broke up with him just a few days ago, and I kept the beer for guests and in this moment, I was glad I did. I went and got the two boys the cold beers and handed them the bottles.

"Thanks." CC said taking his t-shirt and using it to open the top.

"Thanks, and you drink?" Andy asked curiously.

"No, but my boyfriend did, we broke up a few days ago and I decided to keep the beer." I answered, thinking about my brunette ex-boyfriend. "I really wasn't sad about the breakup, I had actually been planning on dumping him for a while and i finally got enough courage to do it." I finished and then realized I had just told him information that he probably couldn't give two shits about.

"It's not really any of my business, but why'd you break up with him?" Andy asked. He seemed interested. which is rare for a guy like Andy. But I really didn't want to tell him the story. But I've been wanting to tell someone about it since we broke up so here's my chance. Screw it. I'll just shorten it.

"Well at first he seemed like a really nice guy and everything, he brought me out to dinner, we hung out a lot, you know, did coupley stuff. But then after a few weeks he'd be gone until like four in the morning. He'd leave at like eight and say its important, or a work meeting. I later found out that those were lies. He was cheating on me and going to some kind of club. The last night we were together, he came home wasted and slurring insults at me. The second he walked in I knew it was over, but I still tried to help him out. When I told him he should lie down, he tried to hit me, and I wasn't going to deal with that shit so I blocked it and... Well, let's just say that he ended up knocked out with a black eye and I think I might have fractured something on him. He didn't go down easy. I just dropped him off at the hospital and left." They both looked at me with widened eyes once i took a breath and finished my 'romantic past' Note the sarcasm.

"Let me see your phone I'm putting in my number." Andy said in a demanding tone. I handed him my phone and he made a new contact.

"Put mine in too." CC told Andy, who just nodded in response.

"If he ever goes near you again, call me." He said and i nodded in response. "Promise?" He seemed genuinely concerned about this whole situation and that made me feel like someone was actually going to be there when i needed them.

"Okay, I promise." I confirmed. I noticed they suddenly became disgusted with the beer after my story. He gave my phone back and Vic ran over to him making him chuckle and bend over to pet the tiny pig. We talked for a while and I got to know CC and Andy a lot better. They're both nice and down-to-earth guys, complete opposites from their apperances. It was now quarter of two and they said they had to go because CC had to get to work. They walked towards the door. "Bye, it was great talking to both of you, we should really hang out another time." I said with a smile.

"I agree, and remember our promise." Andy reminded me. I nodded.

"Me too, bye Amber." CC said with a kind smile which I returned.

"Bye guys." I said as i closed the door once they walked towards their car. I looked at the couch to see Vic's sleeping body. I chuckled and sat down beside him. I thought about Andy and CC and I thought about my feelings for Andy, and I think I came out with an answer for myself. I think I have a little crush on the tattooed pet store worker.

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