Part 8 - Back In Araven

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  Rosa pushed her potatoes around her plate, mashing them into her gravy. A nauseating feeling washed over her.

John spoke up: "Talk to me, Rosa. Are you OK?"

"No, John. No, I'm not. Do you know why that is, John?" Her sharp words poked daggers into the icy silence. The royal baby let out a desperate wail and shook his fists. "Our BABY was taken. How many months have I lost with my son? I have lost three months. For three months I have had a baby-shaped hole in my heart. I have tried to replace it with gardening and housework. But goddamn flowers don't replace my child!"

"But he's coming home! Home tomorrow! You have all the future to see him! We can kiss his sweet features each and every day!"

"But what if he is no longer so gorgeous? What if my son has changed? What if he's become a pretentious, stuck-up, snotty nosed royal?"

"He will ALWAYS - no matter what - be our child! And we will love him every day until our hearts stop!" John let out an emotional gasp, finally thinking about what had happened. He collapsed into his chair and slammed his fist on the table. "All along I have held each and every thought and feeling in! I have protected you and smiled at you and supported you and you STILL aren't happy!"

"Oh, John! We need to focus on the positive! Look at all the hard work we've done! We've planted rows upon rows of flowers. We've repainted doors, windows and every bit of damn wood in between. The town looks great. The townspeople are smiling again! Their love has spread to one another! It is truly beautiful!"

"But that is not better than our son!"

"We had no choice in the matter, John!"

" I should have done something. I should have told him where to shove his son! I should have suggested fighting him! I should have protected you and our child!"

"You know you'd have been arrested! Then I would have no son or husband!" Rosa argued. "Look at you. Come here, John. You are a beautiful, strong, kind man. You are the love of my life and the father of my child. What more could I possibly want?"

"Rosa, I'm going to head up to bed now. Please tell the townspeople that the King is coming."

"OK, my love. See you later." She abruptly stood up and took the unfinished meals away. They could go on the compost she thought. John trudged across the hallway, holding his head in a pitiful manner. She smiled to herself: everything will be ok. She opened the door carefully as not to wake the royal baby.


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