Not Named

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I kept my life in perfect ROY G BIV order,
Unafraid of the judgement given by black and white eyes
When I stood up and spoke the weather forecast every day
For my peers sitting around me in Mrs. Tiemann's classroom.
I tripped onto the burning black asphalt of Willard Elementary school
Where I was called a freak by supposed friends.
My ROY G BIV life now dripping into chaos,
Each color melted by hurtful words cover my body
Contorting my thoughts into depression,
I become black: absent from all color.
Fingers pick and choose crayons with careful choice,
But I am never chosen,
Not even wanted for a useless scribble:
A rainbow isn't pretty once its broken.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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