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-Korra's POV-

"C'mon air bending! WORK WITH ME!" I sigh. I have been trying so hard on these air bending moves Tenzin taught me but I just can't perfect it!

Its driving me nuts and Tenzin barely let's me out with all this air bending training. I ready my stance again and try the technique. "AGHH!" I shake my hands in fury.

"Why. Won't. This. Work. With. ME." I shout between strikes of air bending. Also on top of all this, I didn't get to meet up with Mako in awhile and its killing me. Just thinking about City Boy is making me frustrated.

Hmm I wonder what Mako is doing at the moment... I think blushing slightly.

"Focus Korra. Focus." I tell myself and take a deep breath. "Just one more time." I breath in and breath out. I take my stance and BAM! nothing happened... like always. I collapse onto the ground in frustration.

"Ok.. enough practice. Hmm what can I do...?" I think aloud. "I guess it wouldn't be bad if I went to go visit Mako at his apartment. It won't be awhile." I get up and walk toward my room on Air Temple Island to freshen up.

-- Time Lapse • 30 minutes --

After I freshen up I go to Pema and let her know I'll be in the city. I rush out and jump onto Naga. "Ok girl, off to the city!" Naga gets up and runs and jumps into the water making her way to the city.

Finally in the city, yay! Naga shakes her body to get rid of the water in her fur. "Ok girl, lets go to Mako's apartment!" I tell her.

She seems to understand and starts running in the direction of City Boy's home.

As Naga runs down the streets, the citizens of Republic City were staring everyday... well I guess it's not everyday you see a person riding a giant polar bear dog.

Finally, we are at Mako's apartment. Just thinking about finally getting to see him takes some stress outta me.

I walk up to the door of his apartment and knock.

-Mako's POV-

I was in the kitchen making dinner for me and my bro, Bolin. I keep getting distracted and think about my beautiful girlfriend, Korra.

I haven't seen her is a long time because Tenzin thinks I would be distracting her during her air bending training. I puff out my cheeks in frustration. Then, I hear a knock on the door.

Ugh! Who would come at this time!

I walk over to the door and open it.

"Wha- OH! Hi Korra!" I say a little surprised. "C'mon in!" I waved her inside.

"Thanks Mako." she says a little glumly.

"What's wrong Korra?" I'm a little worried. It's not good for her to be like this when she has so many things on hand.

"It's just..." she begins and sits on the couch.

"Just what?" I ask sitting down as well.

She starts ranting on all these new air bending moves that Tenzin had shoved into her face and how she can't master any of them.

"Tenzin expects me to master them so quickly... buts not easy at all and it's making me so frustrated." Korra tells me angrily.

"Korra," I hold onto her shoulders. "Today in my apartment you are forgetting all of this air bending and I'll try my best to make it your best night."

"Thanks Mako." Korra smiles. "By the way what smells so good?" She asks excitedly.

"Well.. uh.. I was just cooking some dinner." I get up and walk towards the kitchen. Korra follows me.

"Ohh can I help you?!" She asks eagerly.

I chuckle at her amusement. "Sure Korra."

She playfully punches my arm. "What's so funny?" Korra asks.

"Oh nothing." I grin.

She laughs that beautiful laugh of hers. She is so gorgeous. I love her so much.

-Korra's POV-

Standing here with Mako in his kitchen makes me even more relaxed. I sigh.

Mako is such a good cook. The food smells wonderful!

"Hey Korra!" Mako is waving a hand in front if my face. I snap back to reality. "Oh Mako! Sorry... I was just thinking..." I tell him blushing slightly. "Oh really.." He says raising an eyebrow. "Ok, ok lets get back to cooking!" I say laughing. "Right.. ok I was thinking we make spaghetti.. but only one plate.." He turns around quickly. I can tell he is embarrassed.

"Mako! Nothing to be embarrssed about.. if anything I think it is sweet." I say blushing like crazy. "Ok.. Korra for the spaghetti.. I want you to cut the vegetables for me while I make the spaghetti sauce." Mako orders me.y

"Yes, Sir!" I playfully put my hand ot my forhead like I am saluting a soldier. I chuckle and turn to the cutting board and started cutting a tomato.

-- Time Lapse • 1 hour --

We finally finished making the spaghetti. I set the table while Mako started lighting candles around their dining room. Wow, this is really starting to look romantic. I blush at the thought. "So... where is Bolin?" I ask him. "Oh Bolin? He went out with Asami somewhere.. I didn't want to go." Mako answers scratching the back of his head.

I smile. Perfect. That means we will have a lot of alone time. "When do you think they will get back?" I ask as I set the last napkin on the table and adjusted the flowers. "Hmm... At the most three or four hours.. they just left." Yes! Even more perfect!

"I think it is all set! Time to eat!" I say happily. Mako comes beside me and kisses me on the cheek. He pulls the chair out for me. "Here you go, my Lady." Mako says trying to be sophisticated. I giggle as I sit down. "Why thank you!" I say bowing down in my seat. Mako chuckles and takes his seat on the other side of the table.

-Mako's POV-

I sit down on my chair and hold up my glass. "To our realtionship!" I grin. Korra picks up her glass and replies "To our realtionship." Our glasses clink together and we both take a swig of the drink. "Now, lets start eating!" Korra says eagerly. I chuckle. She is so adorable. We both pick up our forks and start taking spaghetti from the plate in the center and begin eating.

The food was delicious. We were finishing it really quick. "Mmm.. Mako this is amazing!" Korra says between bites. "But its all thanks to you." I grin. There were only a few peices of spaghetti left. We scooped the remaining spaghetti and put it into our mouths. But, we both got one same peice of spaghetti that connected us both. Before I realized whats going on we both got off our chairs and leaned in front of the table.

I felt her soft, warm lips touch mine. We began kissing. For what seemed like awhile we pulled apart. "Why dont we move on to the living room?" I ask Korra. "Sounds good to me." She giggles. We walk into the living room and sit on the couch. I wrap an arm around Korra and cuddle with her. We start kissing each other a lot. "Mako.. from not seeing you for over three weeks.. this is one of the best nights I ever had in awhile.. so thank you, Mako!" Korra hugs me and pecks me on the cheek. I smile. "Anytime Korra. Anytime."

She looks grateful and she gets up. "I guess I have to go.. Tenzin might be wondering where I am." I get up as well and we walk toward the door. We kiss one last time before she leaves and I call out to her "Korra please don't stress yourself! I know you will do just fine!" She gets on top of Naga. "I will Mako.. don't worry!" She calls out as Naga starts running towards Air Temple Island. I watched her until I couldn't see her anymore and I sigh and walk back into my apartment, replaying the time we spent together today.

-Korra's POV-

I reached Air Temple Island. I go inside and tell Tenzin I am back.

"Where have you been?! We've been worried sick!" yells Tenzin.

"Don't worry! I was only in the city." I reply. I quickly walk away and walk up to my room and change into my pajamas. I lay down on my bed and put my hands behind my head. I stare up at the ceiling. Thinking. Thinking of the events today. I turn off the light and turn over on my side so I am facing the wall. I whisper "Thank you, Mako..." before slowly drifting off to sleep.

Thank you, MakoWhere stories live. Discover now