Chapter 5

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Hela enjoyed her lunch with Sif. She also enjoyed the company of the Warriors three. Odin had told her hello, which wasn't much, but it was something wasn't it?

Hela was most excited about meeting Frigga.



"Hello dear." Frigga smiled down at Hela.


"How are you liking the castle?"

"It's the fanciest place I've ever seen. I suppose it could use a little less fancy."

Frigga laughed. "You'll get used to it."

"I don't think so."

"How about a walk in the garden with me tomorrow? We can plant some more flowers and get to know each other better." Frigga suggested.

"Oh I'd like that very much."

"Good, enjoy your meal."

"I will! Goodbye!"

*End of flashback


She sat alone in her room, it was large and had a few things to do. But Hela had never enjoyed using the things placed out for her. She sat on her bed and decided to read a book.

She picked up a book of Asgardian history book. She read about Thor, there were several chapters and stories about him. Then she read about Sif, Odin, and Frigga. Next came Loki, she did not enjoy the fact that she was his daughter, but she still enjoyed seeing him get in trouble over and over again. She was about to skip to the next person, but something caught her eye. It read: Loki's wives and children.

Children meant more than one. As in she wasn't alone, she decided to read on.

-Loki is presumed to have six children. Jormungandr, Sleipnr, Nari, Vali, Hela, and Fenrir. His first wife, Sigyn was the biological mother of just two of them.

Nari and Vali are the twin children of Sygin and Loki. Sleipnr is the eight legged horse son of Loki and his father, Svaoilfari.

Jormungandr, Hela, and Fernir are the children of the giantess Angrboda. All are fearsome beasts, or so sources have been told. Jormungandr is the world serpent of Midgard. Hela is half alive and half dead, but it is not definite on her. Last, Fenrir is a huge wolf with razor sharp teeth. Fenrir is rumored to be the cause of Tyr losing his hand.-

There were several references to other pages describing the children. Hela decided to mark them and look at them later.

She sat back and closed her eyes, perhaps she'd be able to take a nap before dinner. She was just about to fall asleep when a knock came at the door.

Hela looked outside, it couldn't be dinner time yet could it? She opened the door.

"Loki!" She yelped. "What do you want?"

"I would like to take a walk with you, and introduce you to your siblings who are still here." he answered coolly.

Hela laughed bitterly, "You want me to go with you?" she asked. It was clear that she was mocking him. Loki flushed and looked down.

"Don't you know that I am your father?" he asked. There was disbelief and pain in his eyes.

"Of course I know that!" Hela snapped at him, "That doesn't make me proud of it though!"

Loki's expression was unreadable. His eyes showed that he was hurt though. "Just come with me." he said. She huffed, but decided to follow him. Loki pointed at the dresser and a note appeared. It was supposed to explain where Hela went, what she was doing, and when she should be back.


(Hehehe, I just felt like doing that up there.)

Loki couldn't help but stare at Hela. She was growing up beautifully, she looked so much like him too. He did love her, but she still managed to infuriate him more than anything, she did get it from him though.

As he was thinking, he did not notice that she had slipped away from him. When he looked around, he noticed that she was missing. "Hela!" he screamed frantically.

He saw a flash of white and green and then he tripped. His face landed in a mushy substance. When he stood up again he found that it was mashed potatoes. "Hela." he mumbled. Hela jumped on his back, knocking him back into the potatoes.

She giggled when she saw his face. Loki couldn't help but grin, she never meant harm, she was just having a bit of fun.

"Dad?" a boy's voice came from behind. Loki spun around, Nari stood there, a look of surprise and joy on his face. Nari laughed when he saw the potato on his father's face.

Loki laughed along with him and pulled him into a hug. "Did Vali do that to you?" Nari asked his father.

"I don't think so." Loki said, "I would like you to meet your sister."

"My sister?" his eyes lit up. Loki nodded and turned around. He groaned, she was gone again.


Muffled laughter came from a bush. Loki made his face look confused and then he quickly pushed the branches aside, he saw Vali and Hela's astonished faces peek out at him.

"How'd you find us?" Vali whined. I should have known that he would find Hela first.

Loki ignored his question and looked at Hela, "You're it, I'll hide, and you count to ten okay?" Hela beamed at him and closed her eyes.

"One-" she opened her eyes, "You play too Nari and Vali."

"Don't start yet, we can go get Sleipnr and Fernir. They can play too!" they told her. They laughed and then ran off. Loki looked at Hela, she was smiling.

When she caught him staring she frowned slightly, "What?" she asked. Loki shook his head and smiled. The boys returned with their other brothers and nodded to Hela. She closed her eyes and began to count.

"One, two, three, four..."

Loki could only think of one thing the whole time, his daughter might just love him.


Hi guys! I love how I am getting all these reads! It is so cool to know that some people enjoy my story and wait for my updates!

Okay so Loki is playing Hide and Seek! Wow, I just pictured that in my head and it seems way funnier!

Was I too quick to make a bond between them? Should I make them bicker or something? If you read my authors notes then answer at least one of these questions.

Thanks for reading so far and please keep reading! Don't forget to vote and comment.

-DaO... Wait I promised you my real name. Okay here goes, I hate it though.

-Never mind, it's too horrible.

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