Pandora's Box

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So that is kind of what Artemis's tattoo looks like, except her's continues up to her back and under her shirt.

Early in the morning, just after midnight, illuminated only by the stars and dim glow of the moon, Artemis piloted the ship while Anna, Tom, and Hester slept. Artemis had always felt more alive at night, more energetic, more alert, more creative. Prehaps it was because of her name, an Ancient goddess of the moon and hunting. Or perhaps her name was because of it, whoever had named her saw her staring at the moon and named her after its old goddess. 

Whichever way it went, Artemis loved the night. She loved the sights, of the distant stars and the Ancient's satellites orbiting up above the ruined Earth, up above the cities than ran across it, hunting each other. Up above Artemis and Anna, up above the Jenny Haniver. She loved the colors, the blacks and blues and purples, all mixed together in the swirling, endless sky.

She loved the sounds, the soft humming of the Jenny's engines propelling the ship and her crew forward into the air. The caw of the night birds, soaring through the air, hunting their prey. Anna's soft snoring that came from the hull below, even and steady breathing.

Some might think Artemis odd for staying up in the night and taking catnaps throughout the day, but that was how she lived. Catnaps through the day and black coffee through night. Honestly, it probably wasn't very healthy to stay up all night, but there was never anyone up to tell her to go to sleep.

From behind her, Artemis heard a small gasp, interrupting her thoughts. She flicked autopilot on and spun around in her chair. She saw Hester bolt into a sitting position on the sleeping mat Anna had laid out earlier for Tom and Hester.

Even in the dark, Artemis could see the sweat gleaming on Hester's forehead. She let out a groan when she saw Artemis watching her. 

Tentatively, Artemis asked, "Hester? Are you okay?

 Getting up from the pilot's seat, Artemis silently tiptoed to where Hester sat, fists gripping the blanket that sat on her lap. 

Even in the dark, Artemis could see the tears stinging Hester's eyes.

"My mother. Valentine... he stole something from her. A box. Do you have a paper?"

Artemis nodded, grabbing a map from atop the upturned box that functioned as a table, a chair, and storage. Handing her the map face down, and a pencil to sketch whatever it was Hester needed to draw, Artemis's gaze never left Hester.

Hester smoothed the map onto the wooden floor of the ship and started to draw. The final product became a triangle with hooks at the ends, curving around each other like the talons of a bird of prey.

Tom's sleeping figure shifted, the small sound breaking the silence that had befallen the ship. 

"Do you know what it is?" Artemis asked, part of her not wanting to find out what exactly it was.

Hester shook her head. "I don't know what it is, or what it does. Only that Valentine should not have it. I'm pretty sure it was a piece of old tech my mother dug up from somewhere."

"Well, I'm pretty sure we have someone on board who's may or may not be obsessed with old tech. But you know, we should probably let him sleep. Also, don't worry about making too much noise, because once Anna is asleep, there's no waking her up."


As the sun rose above the Hunting Grounds, Artemis saw Anna's rumpled, silver streaked hair emerge from the ladder that lead down to the hull. Her hair was tousled into a style most night call 'bed head', but what Anna called 'stylishly unbrushed'. Tom was still asleep on the mat, while Hester was sitting on an overturned box, scarfing down a breakfast consisting of toad-in-the-hole with real toad, and warm coffee with some sugar. She studied the back of the map that she had drawn the triangle on. 

Anna not-so gently nudged and half yelled, "get your butt up!" Actually, her precise words had much more colorful language than just 'butt'.

"Anna! Profanity!" Artemis complained. It was a battle she had been fighting fruitlessly for years, and it showed no signs of any results. 

Anna laughed, and Tom was finally up, groaning.

"Come on, city boy. Do you recognize this symbol at all?" Artemis asked him.

"Ugh, such a hard question when I just woke up," Tom yawned, and took a glance at the sketch. His eyes widened, indicating that he did indeed recognize the symbol.

"Valentine... he had that box after he came back from one of his expeditions. It was about five years ago, now I think the Guild Of Engineers has it."

"Okay, so we know it's probably old tech, but what we really need to know is what it does. Any ideas, Tom?"

He thought for a moment. "Well, they said they were trying to rebuild the Cathedral, so maybe something to help with that?"

Anna interrupted with, "Well, If Valentine wants it, it can't be good. Maybe some kind of super weapon?"

"Well, Anna, it pains me to say this, but you might be right about this," Artemis said, adding,  "For once"

"Hey!" Anna smacked Artemis on the head, or rather, attempted to. Towering just over half a foot above Anna, Artemis's head was easily out of reach of Anna's would-be snack.

"You missed," Artemis grinned.

"No I didn't!" Anna jumped as high as she could, reaching her hand up to Artemis's forehead. Sidesteping, Artemis grinned, "Yes you did."

Tom and Hester looked at each other while Artemis and Anna squabbled, giving each other a can-you-believe-these-two-grown-women-are-smacking-each-other? Kind of look. Hester cleared her throat, making the girls freeze in an odd position in which Artemis had Anna's arm trapped behind her back, preventing any further smacking.

"Hester, can't you see we are in the middle of some very important business? But yes, go on," Artemis said with a straight face.

"Um, don't we need to figure out what Valentine wants with my mother's box? I mean, since it could be some kind of superweapon, I mean."

"Okay, you actually have a very good point-agh!" Artemis let out a squeak as Anna poked her in the stomach.

"I didn't miss this time!" Anna exclaimed, laughing.

"This time! You miss every other time!"

Tom, very quietly, as if he really did not want to interrupt Artmeis and Anna, said, "Wait! I think- I think I remember overhearing something an Engineer said back in the Gut. Does M.E.U.S.A mean anything?"

Alright! There's the fourth chapter out!! :D I just finished A Court of Thorns and Roses series, and wow, I'm still recovering! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and if you did, please leave a vote and comment! I might make a one-shots book for... everything, I guess? Like Harry Potter, Mortal Engines, etc.? If I did, would you give me requests for stuff? Idk it's just an idea. 

Anyway, thanks for reading the latest chapter!

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