Opening Scene

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EXT - Pacific Ocean, Day

(Dozens of Chinese and American Naval ships peppered the ocean surface with a distinct "line" separating the two militaries. The large "open" area in between them is occupied by the Ancient city of Atlantis now cloaked.)

INT - USS Henry Hayes, Bridge, Day

(Naval personnel are manning the control panels while nervously glancing over to the expansive glass panels that surround them)

Ensign Warren

"Sir, the Chinese are readying their missiles!"

Cmdr Cruz

(glancing over the young man's shoulder to the screen below)

"Prepare to act, men!"

INT - Atlantis, Control Room

(Colonel John Sheppard stands behind the technicians, listening to the radio chatter among the Naval personnel, and began to slowly shake his head.)


"This may be it so be ready for anything."



INT - An Apartment Bedroom, Early Morning

(A woman in her mid-20s was tossing and turning in bed as if she was having a nightmare. She yells as she suddenly reared to a sitting position.)

Krys Banks


(Wide-eyed, she scans the bedroom. As she realizes that everything was fine, she relaxes by bowing her face into the palms of both hands, and lets out a deep breath.)



(She gets out of bed, and walks to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Afterwards, she bends over the sink and splashes cool water on her face and then stares at herself for a few moments.)

INT - Apartment, Kitchen, Morning

(Now dressed in a professional business attire, Krys opens the fridge door and pulls out a carton of milk. She opens and sniffs it, and made a face and throws it in the trash. Her cell rings.)


"Hey there."

(She made another face as she listens to the voice on the other end.)

"No, haven't seen the news yet." (pause) "Really?" 

INT - Apartment, Tiny Living Room

(Krys turns on the small flat-paneled television and the images of Naval ships fills the screen.)


"What the hell?"

(An female anchor's voice began speaking while images of various Naval ships of both Chinese and American flash by.)

Anchor (voiceover)

"Earlier this morning, the USS Henry Hayes fired off a warning shot to the Chinese Navy in the attempt to keep them from crossing the neutral zone. For the past several months, this particular spot has been a hotly debated yet secretive topic between China and the US. Russia, as ally to China, is closely monitoring the situation for any further escalation."


(slightly agitated)

"What the hell are they fighting over now?" (Pauses to listen to the voice on the other end) "Yeah, that part of the ocean is nowhere near anything which makes me wonder what the hell is really going on here."

(Stumbling, she slips a foot into a slip-on dress shoe)


"How did I sleep? Not well." (Pauses to listen while stumbling to put on the other shoe) "It's the same dream. I'm in this strange otherworldly city, flying through space, and then boom, it explodes, with me in it." (Pauses once again) "No idea, Max. I hate science fiction so who knows where this is coming from."

(Standing upright once more, she grabs a remote and clicks off the tv)


"I'm on my way in to the station now. See ya in a few."

(As soon as she hung up the cell rang. Letting out a sigh of frustration as she grabs her briefcase and purse)


"Hi sis." (Swings the bags over and across her shoulder) "Kind of caught me on my way to work." (Pause) "Yeah, I'm running late again." (Grabs a set of keys, and steps out of the door and into a dim-lighted hallway, locking the door behind herself) "Oh, so we're not getting together tonight?"

(Krys stops in the middle of the hall, looking obviously disappointed)


"No, no that's okay, Amelia. You can't control where the Air Force sends you. Just give me a jingle when you're back in the States, k?" (Pause) "Yeah, can't wait to meet Ronon. He's sounds...interesting." (Pause) "Is that explosions I hear?"

(A click is heard from the cell as Krys stares at the now blank screen.)


"Well, hell." 


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