Chapter Eight

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Alec's last words vibrated through out the room, until it was strangely silent. I peered up at the vent, sizing it up. I doubted I could fit through it, let alone Alec. The sewage drain was larger, but was screwed tight.

"Well, how do you suggest we get out through them? Since you've seen so many movies," I asked, raising my eyebrows. Alec also looked thoughtfully at the sewage drain.

"If we could just find something to unscrew the bolts... we could just open it and climb down." he said, though not too loudly, as if our every word was being recorded.

"You know, there's a chance that it's only in movies where there's miraculously a ladder leading down in to the sewer." I said, not because I was doubtful, but terrified of roaming the sewer with no idea of where to go.

"No, I'm pretty sure there is. That's how people can work in and out of the sewers." he replied confidently. I bit my lip, and silently wished we could google it. But no.

"Okay. I... I guess I'm okay with trying this. I mean, there's no other way, right? But what are we supposed to use to unscrew the bolts?" I asked.

"Don't happen to be wearing a bobby pin, do you?" he said, jokingly. I was amazed that he was still cracking jokes at a time like this. It didn't even make sense, how are you supposed to unscrew a bolt with a bobby pin?

"More movie cliches? Really?" I laughed. It was silent for a moment, and the joking mood subsided. We stared at the wall thoughtfully, trying to think of a good idea. Suddenly a thought came to mind.

"What if I said I needed my bandages changed again, and I could swipe something when I'm walking around?" I said, not liking it much, but our lives depended on it.

"That's... actually not a bad idea. But it's a big risk, Colette. If you get caught, you'd be in big trouble. I doubt they'd kill you, but... some things are worse than death," he said, as he looked at me grimly. "You've already seen what they can and will do," he said, nodding at my bandages, "There's no stopping them. And I won't even be around to even try to help you." I mulled over the thought.

"I think I can handle myself, thanks," I said sarcastically, sort of offended. "They were really lenient with me last time. I honestly don't think they expect me to try anything. If they could just give me a head start, or leave me in that room for thirty seconds, I could swipe something to get those bolts up." Alec still looked skeptical.

"What if that was to lure you into false pretenses? I mean, if you're going to kidnap someone, you've got to be careful. What other reason would they just let you run around?" he said.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe so they could talk about the situation without the victim listening!" I said, trying not to get annoyed.

"Why wouldn't they just have the conversation after your bandages were fixed?"

"I don't know, I don't know what they were thinking!" I retorted.

"How do you know for sure that they had to talk to each other?" he said, looking suspicious, but also getting slightly more annoyed as well.

"Because I heard them, okay? I stayed and listened to them after they told me to go!" I nearly shouted. Alec was quiet, his face full of mixed emotions. His cheeks were red (though they always had a slight pink tinge to them), and I was slightly afraid of what he might do.

"What didn't you tell me? What did they say?" he said, almost breathlessly.

"It-it was really nothing," I said, slightly embarrassed,"Just stuff about how they plan to, uh, get information out of us." I looked him dead in the eyes to convince him that I was not lying, and found them a shocking mix of brown and, almost, gold. It caught me off guard, and blowing my cover, I looked away.

"You're lying." he said, sounding hurt. "They kidnapped us, and you won't tell me what they said? This could be the difference between life and death, Colette, and you won't tell me. We are in this together." he said sincerely, successfully making eye contact with me. I caved, and sighed.

"They said they were going to use me, okay, they said that they knew you would tell them what they wanted you to if they threatened me. I didn't tell you because, well, I'm slightly embarrassed and ashamed about it because, you're right, they are trying to trick us into being lax, but I just don't know what to do to get the hell out of here. And... I'm just scared. I mean what if we never get out of here? What if they kill us? Do you think the police are looking for us? I just... don't know." I ended, feeling more helpless and vulnerable than ever. I looked down at my hands, when suddenly they were intertwined with Alec's. I looked up to meet his eyes once again.

"We're going to get out of here. I'm scared too, but we need to keep level heads. We have a plan, we have a way out." I nodded, and let go of his hands, feeling awkward. His mouth formed a grim line, and he backed up to the wall. I hobbled over to the opposite wall, and closed my eyes. I didn't want to think about escaping, I didn't want to think about anything having to do with the current situation we were in. But unfortunately, if I ever wanted to get out of here, that was what I had to do. Suddenly, a thought came to mind.

"Alec?" I said, hardly believing we hadn't thought of this before.

"Yeah?" he said, looking at me curiously.

"What if we just said one of us has to go to the bathroom? Or both of us, even?" I said, wondering if they even had separate bathrooms. "You don't think they'd throw a bucket at us, do you?" He gave a soft laugh.

"That's actually a smart idea. I've kinda had to go anyway, so no matter what, something gets accomplished." he said. I begrudgingly smiled. It still baffled me that he could be so cheerful.

"So, um, how do put this plan in action?" I asked, not exactly sure. Alec shrugged.

"We bang on the door and roll with it."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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