Chapter 17: Pasts Revealed

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After applying basic first aid to Midnight and Miyako, and after they fix up the apartment aside from the bullet holes in the walls, the two of set up an area in the living room. They then drag the hunter, still tied up and gagged, into the center of laid out towels and cut up trash bags.
Lilith crouches down and glares at him, "If ya try 'n' make a noise to alert someone, I'll eat ya on the spot."
He nods to show he understands, they take off the gag. With Miyako standing beside Lilith holding a knife, he tries to steady his panicked breathing.
Lilith asks, "Did ya know it was me who ya were huntin'?"
He shakes his head, "No, I just thought it was a normal vampire or a fledgling."
"To an extent, ya wouldn't be wrong, it was a fledglin' that starved themselves to madness 'n' lost control who probs signaled ya here."
He chuckles, "Did I just happen to run into you first?"
She smirks, "Nope. I had ate them shortly after their attack. Lemme tell ya, fledglin's don't taste good."
He goes silent and stares at her in fear, "You have eaten another vampire?! I thought you monsters considered each other family."
She giggles, "So what? I've ate loads of vamps and other monsters in my time. Humans ain't the only food for me." She shrugs, "Granted when in hiding it can only be humans."
He starts to breathe heavily and unevenly as he stares at her, "You're a monster of monsters!"
She genuinely smiles, "Awweee ya really think so?! Thank you!"
A chill shoots through his spine, he has never met or even heard of a monster who'd eat their own kind, especially one that seemed to enjoy or at the very least not regret it. The exception was for a species that do eat indiscriminately between human and monster.
He turns to Miyako and hesitantly asks her, "Have you?"
She averts her eyes for a second, the reaction that he's usually gotten from monsters who have and regret it. He has a sigh of relief, he mutters, "At least it's not both of you."
Lilith flicks him in the shoulder with enough force he thought he got punched by a professional boxer, "Oi! Are ya workin' for a hunter named Sebastian?"
He's shaking in pain on the ground trying his best to not scream out. He tries to think for a moment, "I've heard of him, don't know him personally though."
"Tch." Lilith gets an annoyed yet relieved look on her face, "What's ya name?"
He simply replies, "Matt"
"A'ight Matt, where yo car at?"
"Out in the lot, it's a black 2010 Ford Focus."
Lilith looks over at Miyako, "Watch him, I'll be back." She gets up and walks out the front door and heads towards the parking lot.
Miyako meanwhile is standing over Matt with Midnight behind him, both are watching him intensely. He wonders how he's going to get out of this, or if he can. The only hope he has left is a couple of hunter buddies he had alerted about this case. He had told them if he doesn't contact them soon, to get the vampires themselves. But now he's doubting if they could help him.
Lilith comes back a few minutes later with all the bags and cases in hand. She puts them on the floor in the kitchen and starts searching through them. She looks through all his knives, guns, and other tools "Nice collection ya got here."
She then looks through his personal bag and finds a picture of a younger version of him surrounded by what she assumes is his family. On the back, it says "Never forget."
She thinks for a moment before turning around to him with a smirk, "Lemme guess, they got killed by vamps 'n' that's why ya hunt us down? Am I right?"
His voice has a bit of a croakiness as he tries to fight back angry yet sorrowful tears remembering them, "Yea..."
She chuckles, "Generic. Do ya know how many hunters I've killed with a similar, if not the exact same story as you?"
He doesn't respond.
"Tens of thousands probably. I mean it ain't like I keep count of how many of ya I eat or kill."
Miyako looks down at him with empathetic and pitiful eyes. He's shocked by her expression, she looks like she's truly empathetic, even if it's more like she's sorry he wasn't killed as well. He gets confused for a moment by these two, a vampire who seems to love being a vampire and doesn't mind even cannibalism. And a vampire who's rather conflicting.
Lilith walks back over to him and crouches in front of him again, "Gotta ask, how'd ya survive?"
Matt looks up at her and averts his eyes, "I wasn't home at the time they were murdered, I was over at a friend's house."
She chuckles sneeringly at him, "How lucky for you then, huh? Although, I guess since ya here now, ya ain't really all that lucky are ya?"
He stays silent, thinking it's best to not get angry.
"So, do ya or do ya not have info on Sebastian for me?"
He solemnly responds, "Sorry to disappoint, but I don't. All I know is that you'll be dead soon enough."
She shrugs, "Oh, sounds interestin'." She giggles mockingly, What do ya plan on doin' mista big-shot hunter?"
"Not by me, by the one who taught me how to be able to hunt down and kill your kind. He's killed vampires who were over 500 years old before."
Lilith's eyes light up, "Ooo! That is indeed interesting." She stands up to look down at him, "Hopefully, they'll put up a better fight than you." She glances at Miyako, "Make sure he stays silent for a couple seconds."
He looks up at her nervously as she says that, unsure of what she's going to do to him. His eyes meet her silvery-white eyes that look to be glowing and before he knows it, he's in a weird place. All around him is an ever-expanding land of black water that he's standing upon with blood-red skies dotted with black clouds. In the center of the sky is a giant blood-red moon.
The silhouette of a figure with the same silvery-white glowing eyes is standing a few yards in front of him and inform him where he is. They speak in a language he does not know, yet can understand what they're saying. They tell him he's a sort of dreamscape in which they can freely control the flow of time in and for which there is no escape if he wishes to keep his sanity.
Suddenly he feels an intense pain throughout his body that causes him to scream out in agony. He notices an extremely long blade has been plunged in the top of his head, through his body and out where his legs separate. It's slowly pulled back out and thrust through his body once more from a different angle. This repeats for what feels like hundreds of years, over and over and over again until the figure states, "Only a second has passed here." As he sees another one of him and of the figure beside himself.
The torturous stabbing continues and as each second passes in this dreamscape another pair of him and the figure appear to start the cycle over again. He finds he's unable to get used to the pain as if it's a brand new experience each time the tip of the blade is forced through his body. By the time it becomes too much for his mind to handle, as far as the eye can see are duplicates of him and the figure repeating the cycle once more.

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