Chapter Twenty Three

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November 5th, 1963


A little girl, stationed on the little rocking chair beside the window, watching through the curtains as her little crush played outside with his other tiny friends, tossing a ball around in a circle and chasing after each other.

The little girl, whom sat inside, smiled a tiny little smile, content with watching from afar.

Her eyes fell half lidded, life couldn't be better.

Peace and quiet in her own home.

She was feeling included with those who went to her school, despite the act that they did not know she was there.

She inhaled a gentle breath, her body relaxing.

A small hum rolling off of her tongue while the sun had begun to set, meaning both her pals and herself would be put to bed soon for school in the morning.

That was— until a loud bang emitted from the second floor of the house, making the little girls bones rattle from within her small body.

Her eyes widened, watching as the kids outside stopped playing, their eyes turning to the house before them.

The one the young girl resided in.

She slowly turned around, her eyes wide as the ceiling lamps began to flicker on and off.

Another loud, deafening bang from upstairs before something hit the floor above her.

The girl let out a startled gasp, her hand moving to cover her mouth.

A third gunshot sounded from upstairs.


Haddonfield, Illinois
         November 2nd, 1978


I threw my body upwards, beads of sweat rolling down my face as I looked around, the sound of a door bell being rung from downstairs bringing me back to reality.

I let out a relieved sigh, my eyes lowering to see my new puppy strewn across my lap, his snout buried into his paws.

I swallowed hard, carefully moving the unnamed puppy off of me so that I could stand up and make my way downstairs to see who was at the door.

I hesitated, preparing for if it was Loomis at my door again— thankfully though, it was only Laurie. The now traumatized teenager.

She slouched a bit, fidgeting nervously with her fingers.

Her usually well kept blond hair a mess, un-brushed and possibly a bit greasy. She looked horrified.

"Laurie?" I asked, a bit surprised to see her.

I almost got excited to see her, only to remember a moment later that it was Michael that was killed on that night instead of her.

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