It had only been a few minutes, and there I was, hurrying straight back to my bedroom, throwing the door open and stopping directly in the doorway."Michael." I stated firmly.
The tall stalker still stood by the window, but turn slowly to face me, his dark eyes watching me intently from beneath his blank faced mask.
I frowned and furrowed my brows, crossing my arms over my chest, opening my mouth to speak before pausing, Doug the puppy woddling past my legs and into the bedroom before hopping on my bed and laying there. I watched the dog for a moment, pursing my lips and blinking before turning my gaze back to Michael.
"Listen. I want you to talk to me. Right now!" I demanded as sternly as possible, though I most likely sounded more whiny than anything. "Do you not want me? Do you not want me involved in this?" I quizzed him, taking a few steps toward him and smiling hopefully while he did the same.
Only he kept walking, slipping past me and making his way down the stairs, where I proceeded to anxiously follow him, growing frustrated by his inability to respond to me. I groaned under my breath, desperately trying not to lash out or have an outburst.
"I want to help you! I want to kill them! I want to help you killer Laurie and Loomis!" I exclaimed at the top of the stairs, staring down at Michael as he stopped at the bottom of the stairway. He turned his head to look up at me for a short moment, before lazily turning and continuing to walk off into the hallway.I exhaled heavily, beginning to fidget with my thumbs. "Mm..." I muttered, looking around for a moment before hurrying down the steps and following Michael frantically. He'd made his way to the front door.
My heart began to pound. I didn't want this. This isn't how it's supposed to be! We're supposed to be a happy family! He's supposed to be perfect with me! We're supposed to communicate like the perfect couple..
"Eh.. Michael!" I called to him nervously, watching as he stopped walking once more. However, this time he didn't look at me, he only stared at the ground, listening closely.
"I-I grew up... only wanting you to be happy! Happy with me! I can't make you happy if you don't let me! How am I supposed to be happy if you aren't?" I asked, growing antsy as the violent thoughts began to bubble up in my head. This isn't right.
I approached him, soon enough growing impatient with him. I usually understood him without him speaking, but something about right at that moment just didn't make sense. I didn't know what he wanted, or what he didn't want. And I was scared that it was me he didn't want.
With that I placed my hand on his shoulder, patting it roughly, "Michael!–" I shouted, only to immediately be silenced when the slasher turned around, and slammed his hand onto my neck, gripping it tightly and pushing me back against the wall with a rough impact, leading to a loud thud to echo out through the house.
I released a heavy breath of air as my eyes widened, the air flow being cut off due to his tight hold on me. I raised my hands and gripped his wrist tightly, trying to pry him off of me as my hands began to tremble. "M-Michael.." I tried to utter, fidgeting beneath him as I met his eyes from under his mask.
He stared right through me with an intimidating and violent gaze.
His hand began to shake against my throat, growing tighter and tighter as I began to gasp for air, nearly crumbling beneath him until he finally released me, retracting his callused hand and setting it back at his side.
I collapsed to the ground soon after and began to cough, gasping for air as I placed my palm against my neck, panting heavily all the while Michael stared down at me emotionlessly.

Trick Or Treat || Michael Myers X Reader
FanfictionY/n has returned to Haddonfield after leaving the old Smiths Grove Sanitarium. Having recently introduced herself to Laurie Strode and her group of friends, Y/n has no idea how much of a gruesome twist this Halloween will take in addition to having...