Zeldas Pleasure

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Zelda dipped a hand carefully into the bath to make sure the temperature was a comfortable degree. She hummed with a quiet approval as she gingerly shook the excess water from her hand and stood up.

She slid her robe from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor in silence behind her. Taking the silky material of her nightgown by the hem, she slid it up over her head and dropped it onto her robe.

Just as she had settled into the luxurious hot water, inhaling the soothing scent of lavender, she heard the door start to creak open. Turning with annoyance to see which member of the Spellman family was so rudely intruding on her only minutes after she had announced to everyone that she was drawing a bath and was not to be disturbed; she instantly felt a chill enter the room as the shadow of a female filled the doorframe.

"May I?...." a familiar voice crooned.

Even before she closed the door and stepped into the faint glow of the candlelight, Zelda knew exactly who was intruding on her relaxing solitude.

"Well it seems as if you've already invited yourself to. You know, if you wanted to visit you could have had the courtesy to call first."

The annoyance in Zeldas voice was clear. It however did not stop Lilith from taking in the sight before her. Steam radiated off of Zeldas hand as she removed it from the hot water to take a sip from the goblet of wine resting nearby.

Lilith took a few more steps forward. "Would you like me to leave?"

Zelda turned to look at Lilith who was now standing before her in a tight green dress that left very little to the imagination. Not that Zelda needed to use her imagination. She knew perfectly well what was underneath. Lilith innocently trailed a finger down her chest, gleefully watching as Zeldas eyes followed it.

"I'll take that as a no."

Reaching behind her, Lilith slowly began unzipping her dress. She delightedly took in how Zeldas pupils dilated as her dress dropped to the floor.

Zelda slowly took another drink from her glass. Part of her was still trying to unravel what the mother of demons was really up to with her, the other part could care less. A goddess stood before her and she was more than eager to show her devotion. She tried to steady her breath as a now naked Lilith stood before her.

"Praise Satan." Zelda breathily let slip as Lilith lowered herself into the opposite side of the large tub. She watched as Zelda took another sip from her goblet of wine. Noticing the small drop that escaped her mouth and cascaded down her lower lip, onto her chin. Lilith lunged forward before Zelda could even wipe it away. Effortlessly she licked the droplet up, trailing her tongue up to Zeldas lower lip. She captured her bottom lip between her teeth and gave a gentle tug. A soft sigh escaped from Zelda.

How she loved watching the stern head of the Spellman household come undone and melt at her mere touch.

Lilith smirked as she leaned in for a kiss. Zelda snaked her fingers through Liliths brown locks and pulled her in as tightly as she could. A low throaty moan quietly escaped as Lilith gripped one of Zeldas thighs.

Water splashed over the sides of the tub as both women tried to find a more comfortable angle. "We should take this somewhere else." Lilith purred into her ear.

Before Zelda could even open her mouth to respond, she found herself suddenly very dry, on her back, in her bed with Lilith slipping a trim leg between her thighs. She gasped as Lilith leaned in, pressing her leg into Zeldas sensitive flesh. "Oh, you like that my dear, sweet Zelda?" The only response she received was Zeldas hips as they began to grind against her leg.

Lilith watched, extremely pleased as Zeldas body writhed with pleasure against her, taking what she desired. Her lips formed an O of pleasure as she felt one of Zeldas thighs rise up to meet her flesh.

"I shouldn't be the only one to enjoy myself."

In an embrace of tangled legs, the two women began to breathe harder as they moved against each other. A low, throaty moan escaped from Zelda, who quickly put a hand to her mouth. Lilith instantly snatched her hand away from her mouth and placed it on her thigh.

"What a waste to hold back such pretty sounds." Lilith leaned in as she pushed harder against Zelda, stifling her next moan with her mouth. As Zelda arched her head back, Lilith began to trail kisses down the soft flesh of her neck, joyfully listening to the little soft yelps that Zelda made everytime she bit into the tender flesh. Feeling that Zelda was close to her first orgasm, Lilith promptly removed her leg to Zeldas dismay. However, the annoyed look she received soon softened as she began to softly twirl her finger around one of Zeldas nipples. Lilith replaced her finger with her tongue, and slid her hand down between creamy white thighs. She gently began to stroke Zeldas soft, wet flesh.

Zelda tried her best to keep her composure. The last thing she needed was everyone in the household knowing her damn private business. But as hard as she tried to keep quiet, she found it impossible to stifle a loud moan as Lilith slipped two fingers deep inside of her.

Lifting her head up, the demoness smiled as she felt Zelda push harder against her, greedily taking as much pleasure as she desired. That was one of her favorite things about the witch. She knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid to take it.

Lilith delighted at the loud, throaty moans that escaped the eldest Spellman as she sped up the pace of her fingers. This time as she felt her begin to climax, she didn't stop. Instead she leaned in closer, feeling her hot breath, her every writhing movement. She felt Zeldas hands on her back, nails digging in, as if she was holding on for dear life.

"Praise Satan!" Zelda nearly screamed, abandoning all care who heard what as she tightened around Liliths fingers, riding out her orgasm.

As she regained her composure, Zelda gave a hungry look at Lilith, pupils displayed wide with pleasure.

"Your turn."

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