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I did it. I finally did it.

I graduated from beauty school. Many may not see cosmetology as a hard subject to study but it can be exhausting. Especially reaching to be the best. There are so many hard workers-especially at the school I come from-and I respect them all. The fact that I was able to be in the top percentage makes it all worth it. Knowing my long days working as a waitress at the same run down diner in order to pay for my classes for the past 6 years is relief and it really pays off.

I walk out of the ceremonial building, dressed in cap and gown, with degree in hand, optimistic as ever ready to start my next chapter.

~~~~~~ 3 months later~~~~~~

", any word on your applications?" my former teacher-Ms.Rhee- asks on the other end of my phone.

"No. They've all been dead ends."

Its been nearly two weeks since I sent in applications to work as a stylist for major companies-such as YG Entertainment, SM Entertainment, and JYP Entertainment. I've been either denied or not gotten back to.

I'm still currently working at the same run down diner. I just cant seem to let go of that place. It holds a special place in my heart.

"Well, can I make a suggestion?" she asks me.

"Sure," I sigh.

"A friend of mine-a former student of mine actually-works for BigHit Entertainment and turns out that they just lost a makeup artist."

"Oh my God, really?" I say running over to my bed, plopping myself on it. I grab my laptop and set it on my lap.

"Yes. Please apply. I'll even write you a recommendation letter," I can hear her smiling through the phone as loud as a siren.

"Okay, I will send in an application right now." I press my phone in between my face and shoulder as I type open my email account and attach my application file to my draft.

"I'll email you the recommendation letter right now. But I've got to get going. Good luck, MiMi" she says. I thank her, then hang up. Putting my phone down I continue writing my email. In a matter of seconds I click the 'SEND' button and sigh.

Now we wait.

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