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Dear Abby Farris,

This is a bit strange and you're probably a bit confused. We haven't really talked to each other since middle school. Well... here we go again. You're the first girl I liked to like me back. I know it was middle school, but that's all I want to say. Middle school was weird.


Dear Ava Allan,

I, first off, want to apologize for whatever miscommunication there was between us. I don't really know what caused you to cancel that plan to hangout. I don't really know why it still bothers me so much. People told me you were still into your ex and stuff like that. I know I'm not being too eloquent right now, but it's just confusing to me.



Dear Jackie,

You were the first woman I got back in bed with me from a bar. I didn't know what to say when I first saw you that night. Yeah, I was drunk, but I guess I knew what I wanted. In the end, you didn't really want what I wanted. You didn't even know who I really was. You saw me as a quick hookup and I saw you as one that got away. That night, we talked for hours about things that I can't even recall. Fuck hookups and the culture our generation has created! Is this awkward? I'm sorry. I'll stop now.


Dear Laura Thames,

I miss you. I miss our conversations about the most random things. I miss your contagious laugh that brought a smile to both of our faces. I miss the fact that I can't talk to you anymore. I made that choice. I made that conscious decision to not. I couldn't be bothered to even send you a text today. It hurts. I'm sorry.


Dear Vanessa,

You're probably wondering why you're getting one of these letters. You're a dead girl. To be honest, I don't really know why I'm writing you one. I just want to say that I'm thankful for the little time we spent together. Yes, I know you'll never read this, but you've inspired me to live my life to the fullest every single day. For that short time in my life, you made me extremely happy. I wish I had more time with you. Your smile. I miss it.



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