Section 205

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"Wow." I could feel my eyes light up when I just stood there taking it all in. I was on the stage looking at the thousands of empty chairs in front of me. I was like a kid in a candy store...except without the candy...and I'm not really a kid, you know what? Screw that analogy I failed that part of the state test anyway. "I'm nervous just standing up here, I don't know how you do it with all the seats filled." He laughed.

"So, you like it? Am I fulfilling any childhood dreams for you right now?" You're fulfilling adult fantasies.

"Actually, yes. When I was little I wanted to be famous for singing," I said smiling and he laughed nodding his head waiting for me to continue. "Don't laugh it was real. I even made this whole dream world about what would happen if I was famous it was fantastic. It took up a good 3 years of my life."

"That's cute," he said mocking me. "So how young were you?"

"...Eighth grade," I said shyly.

"So about...4 years ago. That's not young at all."

"More like 5 but still...I came to my senses and realized that if I put a cat in a slow turning blender it would sound better than me trying to sing."

"Oh I'm sure that's not true." He hopped off the stage and sat down in one of the chairs in the front row flicking his hair to fix it. "Go ahead, pretend you're on the X Factor and this is your audition." He slouched in his chair and tightened his shirt. "What are you going to sing for us, well—me today?"

"A song very close to my heart. It got me through the bad times and kept me going through the good." He nodded his head waiting. "Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky, twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder Thank you." We both laughed and he just stared at me for a second.

"Well you are quite entertaining, aren't you?" That's the second time he's said that today. There's a microphone stand right use it as a strippers pole or not to use it as a strippers pole, that is the question.

"I wonder what its like to sit all the way up there," I said pointing to the very top rows.

"Well, shall we find out?" His voice just went extra deep. If he does that when we get up there I might just jump off...

We were walking up the isles talking about weird stuff when he just yelled out, "Race you!" and he started running. Oh god. I was obviously forced to run too.

"Grayson! This is not fair! You don't know how hard it is to run with two sandbags attached to your chest trying to knock you out!" I heard echoed laughs in the center. I got to the escalator and looked for the on button but it was turned off for the night. I ran up them as fast as I could. This is going to be so embarrassing when I can't catch my breath. I stopped at the top and leaned against the wall. My lord. "Grayson, Grayson where for art thou Grayson. I want to kill-ith myself."

"Just one more flight." I heard coming from above me. I looked up and made a not so nice hand gesture. I heard him coming down the stairs and I had to at least try to not breathe like a chain smoker. "What's wrong? Are you a little slow?"

"I was always picked last in gym class, of course I'm a little slow." He just stood there and smiled at me. If he wasn't so hot and if I wasn't so out of breath I would attempt to beat him...or at least keep a straight face.

"I guess you picked your section. Section 205, good choice." He nodded his head for me to follow him and we walked through the doors to see all of the arena from above. It was far from the stage but kind of picturesque when empty. "It's really honestly crazy that people would pay money to sit here when you really can't even see anything on the stage," he said.

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