Happy Birthday To Me

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I woke up on a nice sunny day with the light shining through my windows, the heater blowing warm air through the empty room and the echo of a beautifully silent house. Too bad I felt like complete shit. I got sick from walking around last night when I was supposed to be "out" with "Damien" and it started pouring rain on top of me. I was soaked and to top it off I was freezing. I probably have pneumonia all because I wanted to prove a point to Cruella Deville.

 "Oh, shut the fuck up!" I yelled at the birds chirping outside the window. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror...and then I flipped myself off and went to brush my teeth. A typical morning. I walked downstairs and heard voices coming from the kitchen. I snuck up to the wall next a corner table and listened to what I could hear of the conversation.

"Well I can't just do that," I heard Grayson say. The bitch was over and she was being a bitch.

"But I don't know if I'm comfortable with it," I heard her say back. As I leaned in a little more I knocked the vase over making a huge noise. I picked it up quickly but the whispering stopped. Grayson came out and saw me standing there.

"It was dirty. I was dusting it," I said wiping my sleeve over the top of it. "Just doing you a favour," I said changing the subject and walked past him into the kitchen. I gave a fake smile to Stalin and she gave back a bubbly greeting. It disgusted me. Grayson came back in and sat next to her at the counter. Every time I see them together, ever since the concert (which was once counting now), I'm not sure if I want to kill her or myself.

I took the milk out of the fridge and poured it in a glass. Then I took out the chocolate syrup and watched as I squeezed a shit load into the milk with a fat kid smile on my face. They were watching me the entire time.

"What?" I asked mixing it and then licking the spoon.

"You're such a lady," Grayson said laughing. No Grayson. You're the lady because you're whipped like a little pussy to someone you've known for 3 weeks. Grow a pair, bitch. The sexy time can't be THAT good. "You don't have class today, right?"

"No. Why?" I said grabbing a napkin to wipe my nose. I was all stuffy.

"Great because I have to go take care of something and Alex is just going to stay here until I get back. You can keep each other company." Doesn't she have her own house?

"Aw bonding," she said. I want to bind my scissors with your hair. I smiled back.

It was half an hour in and I wanted to die slowly. We were both just sitting in my room. She was reading her magazine and I was tumbling. She didn't try to talk to me once. She even made a disgusted face when she walked in my room. There are two things on the floor and everything else is clean. She should stop being such a pretentious bitch. She put her magazine down and stared at me so I looked up.

"Listen," she started with and leaned forward, "I don't know how to say this but I know you have a thing for Grayson. And I'm just saying it needs to stop." Whaaaat...

"Excuse me?" I said back closing my laptop.

"Everything needs to stop. Including your friendship," she said putting her magazine to the side. "I don't know if he told you, but we're kind of together now. Exclusively."

"Well I really don't give a shit what you are. I'm not going to stop being friends with him, so you're fucking delusional," I said calmly. Mostly because I was too sick to have to energy to jump at her throat Mean Girls style.

"Well I mean, I already told him I didn't feel comfortable with you living here," she said with a biting tone.

"And what the hell makes you think he would ever even consider that?"

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