twenty five.

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chenle's apartment was dead quiet, and jisung was still in the same exact position he was in two hours ago. he was sprawled out on the couch, his head on the armrest, and feet touching the other armrest. he had tried falling asleep, like chenle suggested, but he just wasn't able to.

jisung sighed, sitting up from his previous position. his hands fiddled nervously with each other. he seriously felt out of place, hating that feeling. 'maybe i should wake him up? no jisung! that's dumb, let him sleep!' the boy thought to himself.

not knowing what to do, jisung rested his head in his hands, pulling at his hair. "should i wake him?" he quietly mumbled to himself.

'yeah, i'll wake him...'

the boy hesitantly got up from the couch, carefully and quietly walking to chenle's room. once he came face to face with the door, he stopped, rethinking his idea of waking chenle up.

despite that, the boy knocked, waiting for chenle to either open the door or answer from his room. after waiting for a bit, jisung nervously knocked again, fiddling with his hoodie sleeves, his heart pounding in his chest.

the door opened, and a sleepy chenle looked at jisung with curiousness in his eyes. "hmm? what's up?" chenld asked him, his voice still groggy from sleeping and while rubbing his eyes and scrunching his face.

"i—i'm sorry for waking you...i j—just couldn't sleep..." jisung quietly said, looking down embarrassingly, feeling as shy as ever. "hey, hey, it's okay, jisung. why don't we go sit down on the couch?" chenle reassured quickly.

"s—sure," jisung quietly mumbled. chenle smiled, leading the way to the couch, the other following behind him. he sat down, jisung following suit. the  younger was a little tense, which didn't go unnoticed by chenle.

"so...why couldn't you sleep?" chenle hesitantly asked, afraid to ask this personal question. jisung must have heard the hesitance in the other's voice, and said it was okay to ask.

" i'm not exactly going to tell you my whole story yet, but i am beginning to trust you a little more, so i'm going to share a little bit," jisung paused, looking over at chenle, who sent him a nod.

"i'm adopted, and i haven't exactly been treated the right way by my family. ever since i turned fourteen, i've been seriously scared to sleep. every time i would close my eyes, i'd have a nightmare that i got abandoned again, and that all of the people i love and trust turned on me..." jisung said, speaking quietly.

"i j—just can't..." he said, tears welling up in his eyes. "hey, it's okay, jisung. i understand how scared you must feel with this."

"i'm here for you if you need to talk about anything bothering you, alright?" chenle reassuringly said, smiling amd nodding at the other boy.

for a moment, chenle wanted to pat jisung's back, or wrap an arm around him, but he's aware that jisung would be at risk of feeling uncomfortable. he doesn't want to scare him either.

jisung started lightly crying, burying his head in his hands. "thank you, chenle," the younger spoke, his voice muffled. chenle almost didn't hear it, but he's so glad he did.

"anytime, jisung."

A/N: Hello readers. I wanted to advise you all that I'm thinking of possibly deleting this book...


( this isn't getting deleted, so you can ignore that a/n )

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