Oops, Wrong Person

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I stared at the white board at the front of the class, trying to figure out what was being taught, but all I could see was x's and y's and a bunch of numbers and curvy lines. I looked over to my friend Kat, sitting on the other end of the class, paying more attention to her notebook than the class. I took out my rough notebook and slowly tore up a section of a page.

Whatcha doin kitkat <3

I folded the paper and nudged my neighbour. "Pass it to KitKat." I whispered.

The boy next to me wore a puzzled look on his face. "Who?"

"Kat, Kat Graham?"


Mr. Barker looked away from the board, straight at me. He raied an eyebrow, looked back around the class and continued to drone on about whatever he started droning about in the first place. I sighed, frustrated and harshly whispered, "The blonde sitting at the end of this class."

He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "You're supposed to be paying attention."

"Oh come on, please." I hissed, sliding the paper forcefully onto his desk. He rolled his eyes and took the paper. He opened it and sighed."Stupid couple stuff.." he muttered, as he pointed in Kat's direction and passed on the paper to the mext person. I smiled and drew a few doodles over the top of my page, waiting for Kat's response. I tried every now and then to 'pay attention' but everything seemed to be going in one ear and coming out the other so I gave up. Anyways, I didn't find a point in trying to learn something I know I wasn't going to need in the future.

Just as I was about to start a new artwork of the back of Mr. Barker's head, another folded piece of paper landed on my desk.

I smiled and picked it up, hiding it under my desk as I read what it said. But the words were not written in its cute swirly way, neither did they sound like Kat's.

Thinking about you <3 wbu mar bars?

Mars bars, what?

I read it a few more times, unsure of what to think. For the first few seconds, all I could think was 'omigosh someone has a crush on me, awww!' but then I thought, 'Wait, school literally just started, no one knows anyone'. Unless this person was from the year before. Then again, I'm me. Who'd have a crush on me?

Plus, this was supposed to go to Kat. So this wasn't some anonymous crush note, neither was it an anonymous prank note. I looked to where Kat was sitting and found her still looking down intently at her notebook, smiling and she drew some more. From the way she looked, she probably hadn't even received my paper. I looked to the boy sitting next to me and nudged him. "What is this?" I whispered, showing the paper.

 He shrugged. "Your reply?"

"No, this is a sick joke. Not funny."

"Well, don't tell me. I'm just the messenger."

"Yeah, the messenger who sent it to the wrong person."

"Oh, I'm sorry but you told me to pass it to the blonde across the class and I did."

"Who?" I hissed.

Mr. Barker removed his glasses and looked straight at me. "Marley, do we have a problem in class? You seem to be fidgeting a lot and disturbing the class."

I looked to the front of the class which seemed pretty uninterrupted and peaceful, most probably unaware of my very existence and fought the desire not  to talk back. Instead, I shook my head and smiled. "No, just asking.." I looked to the boy and realized I had no idea what his name was. Who was he?

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