Room 420

208 17 5

We entered the empty room and sat on either side of the class. The teacher hadn't arrived yet, either that or he or she was bunking the class. I wouldn't blame her. I mean, who would want to sit in a classroom and babysit a bunch of teens?

I know I wouldn't.

I sighed and groaned, frustrated and angry that this had happened. All I wanted out of the first day was to come home, complain about how school was the same, call Kat over and talk and gush over the new cute boys in some of our classes.

But no, now I'll have to go home and explain to my mother why I was in detention and why I hadn't lived up to their expectations of me being nothing more than a straight A with a talent in music. Not some girl who got in trouble with the bad boys.

From time to time I would glare at him, the reason I was in this position. He wouldn't even look at me. Part of me was glad, the other part of me was upset; glad because I wouldn't have to look at his face and be tempted to throw something at him and upset because I wanted him to look at me so I could say every bad word I could think of and vent my frustration on him.

Not getting the response I wanted, I took out my phone and put my earphones on. I played Anthem Part Two on replay and let the music take me away for a moment.

"Turn it down."

I looked at him. "What?"

"Your music, it's loud."

"I don't care. I want it loud." I turned it up louder.

...Corporate leaders, politicians

Kids can't vote, adults elects them...

"Whatever." He turned his back to face me and looked out the window. "You'll go deaf that way."

"Atleast I wouldn't have to listen to you voice again."

"You wouldn't be able to hear your singing either. Which, might I add, is so off."

I gasped. "I can sing pretty well."

"Hmmm, maybe you're already deaf."

"I hate you."

"I feel indifferent towards you."

"Go fly a kite."

He flipped the finger at me and didn't move or say anything to me after that.

"When your mother-"

"I said, never mention my mother again." He faced me. "I swear, never again. Or you will regret it." He turned away and began to slowly drum to the beat of the song that blasted loudly in my ear.

My phone buzzed, followed by a ding and I realized I had received a text.

Kat: Heyy, what happened??

Me: Luke Hemmings

Kat: What??

Me: I was trying to send something to you but Luke accidently got it instead and bc of him, i'm here

Kat: Omg what a jerk! How?

Me: He said mean things about me and I got really mad

Kat: Wow he's so rude

Why you gotta be so rude?

I shook my head from the memory of his notes and glanced at him. He was looking outside, not giving a care in the world about anything.

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