Chapter 32: Kyber's Comeback

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It was all dark. Darkness was all that was seen in Axle's eyes. He had no idea what was happening or what he was doing now. He was stuck in CyberSpace as far as he knew. Waking up from a dream of him returning to the real world. It was cold and lonely for him.

Laura finally reached the med bay and this took Eight Forty by surprise. "Eight Thirty Four. May I enquire why you are here?" The medical CyberHuman asked before Laura dropped the bodies that she was carrying on two separate tables.

"Help them." Laura told the medic with a look of pain on her face. This wasn't a look of physical pain, no, that look she had was a look filled with emotional pain.

"I will do what I can. What happened to these two?" Eight Forty asked before Laura said, "Plasma spear." Laura said before Eight Forty ran around gathering her supplies.

She had a syringe filled with medical nanobots and she went straight to Wyatt and injected them into his system so that they could they could fix him up from the inside. Feeling safe that Wyatt was covered, she went back to get more medical nanobots only to realise that they were out.

"Oh no." She said before Laura spoke saying, "What? What's wrong?"

"It would appear that we have run out of medical nanobots." She said bluntly making Laura's eyes pop wide open as she gasped. "What do you mean there aren't anymore?"

"The last of the nanobots were used on mister Green to repair the damage." Eight Forty told her before she asked, "Isn't there anything we can use to save her?"

"There is, but there is a strong possibility that it would kill her instead of save her." She said.

"Well then, what is it?" Laura asked before the medic answered saying, "The CyberHuman serum."

"Use it." Laura heard Carly's hoarse voice. "Use it." Laura rushed over to Carly's side to see her with paling. "Use it on me." She said before Laura protested saying, "No. There has to be another way. I'm not losing you. These past few days may not have been much but I've grown really close to you. I don't want you leave, mother." She said, with the last word being accidental.

"Mother, huh? Kinda fitting since you're practically Kara's big sister." She said before she started coughing up blood. She held up her smile before caressing Laura's cheek saying, "Use it on me. If there's a chance that it can save me and help me stop Axle, we have to take it. Don't worry. I'll be fine."

Laura's heart was sinking before she nodded. Eight Forty walked over to Carly and injected the nanobot cocktail. She still had a hole in her chest so this was gonna make her lose even more blood than the process would make her.

The pain she was experiencing now was even worse than what she had ever felt. Her shrieks of pain echoed throughout the base as the nanobots were changing her from the inside out.

After a minute the screaming stopped and Carly's body went limp. She was still alive and her body was quickly repairing itself. All that happened was that she passed out from the sheer amount of pain.

While she was knocked out, Wyatt's heart started failing. Eight Forty quickly rushed over to his side and noticed something grim.

"What's happening?" Laura asked worriedly before Eight Forty said, "He's dying."

"How? The nanobots should be helping him."

"The plasma energy is still in his body and the nanobots have no way of counteracting it."

"Can't you remove it?" Laura asked before Eight Forty shook her head saying, "It is beyond toxic to humans. CyberHumans still have a way to counteract this but not humans. Also it cannot be removed from humans since this is energy, not a physical entity. I am sorry."

Eight Thirty Six, Eight Thirty Seven and Eight Thirty Eight's bodies were tossed aside by Eight Thirty Three as they tried to contain him. They all failed as he overpowered all three of them at once.

He was about to kill them all using a plasma blast but was stopped.

"Axle!!" He knew that voice. Eight Thirty Three turned his head around to see Carly, alive and well.

"Carly. What are you doing here?" Eight Thirty Three asked. He was sounding less human by the second. "I'm here to save you and to stop you from blowing the world up." Eight Thirty Three growled after she said this.

"Stand down Axle!" Carly yelled. "No, this world is going to be set a blaze and nobody is going to stop me." Eight Thirty Three growled with red glowing eyes.

"Don't do this Axle, Wyatt already died, don't bury yourself deeper in the darkness like this."

"The darkness is all I have left." He said before they rushed in to attack each other.

Cyber Series: Book 3 《Cyber Blood》حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن