Confused and suspicious

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I followed professor Snape through the school and into his office, closing the door carefully behind me.

"Please, miss Phoenix, take a seat." Snape said, gesturing to a seat on one side of the desk. I did as he asked. "Now, I believe you know why you are here." I nodded.

"Yes. It's because I missed some of my classes." I said, timidly.

"I find it really quite strange that you do not attend the majority of your lessons on the same day a troll was let loose in the school." His tone was full of accusation. A spark of anger lit up inside me.

"I didn't let the troll into the school." I replied, trying to hold on to my calm demeanour.

"Well, the only other student who skipped the majority of their lessons," he started, "was miss Granger. If it wasn't you, then it was surely her."

I stood up and slammed my hands down in the desk, my confidence rising with my anger.

"Don't you dare accuse Hermione of something like that!" I exclaimed. "She would never do anything to harm anyone."

Professor Snape did nothing but raise his eyebrows at me, before writing something down on a piece of paper and handing it to me.

"I expect you in my office at 6pm every evening for a detention, for the next month. Don't be late. You are dismissed." I found myself fuming at his words. I hadn't done anything, yet I was being punished. I opened my mouth to tell him how absurd he was being, when a small yet thick, grey book on the professors desk caught my attention. I recognised it Immediately and grabbed it from it's place.

"How did you get this?" I asked. The professor gave me a confused look, but I could see right through it.

"I asked you a question." I yelled. "Where did you get this?"

"Do not raise your voice at me, or your detentions will be doubled." His voice was fairly calm, but it was easy to tell he was annoyed. "I found that book on the floor this morning." He sounded calm and I was beginning to believe him, but I knew that book had stayed in my bag. Which meant someone had taken it out. The only other person who had seen me with it, was Snape.

"Well, it's my mothers." I snapped. "So, I'm taking it with me." I turned and stormed out of the office, but not before seeing something change in Snape's expression. He almost looked upset. Almost.

As I was walking down the corridor towards the Gryffindor common room, I heard a familiar voice behind me. "Avalon, wait up!"

I turned around to face the person, and saw a very familiar, red headed second year.

"Hi, Fred." I said, as he caught up with me, a huge grin on his face. "Why are you so happy? What's happened?"

"Well," he started. "There's a rumour going round that you let the troll into the school. I wanted to know if it's true?"

I could feel myself going bright red. "What?" I gasped. "Who would start a rumour like that?" I already knew what the answer would be.

Fred's grin turned into a scowl as he said the next part. "Pansy Parkinson."

The second her name left his mouth, I turned and slammed my fist into the wall. I regretted my action as pain seared though my hand. I gasped.

"Woah. Careful there." I heard Fred say as he stepped closer to me to examine my hand. After a couple of minutes of agony, he decided it was broken. "You have one hell of a punch for such A small person." He joked.

"Can you fix it?" I asked, my voice shaky. Fred nodded, before pointing his wand at my hand and muttering an spell I didn't recognise. I felt my entire arm explode in pain, before a numbness overtook it.

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