Chapter 2 <3

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Hey guys! i hope you like the story so far! i know it only a couple pages but i plan to take this story far if you guys like it! so please please please vote, fan me, comment, and spread the word about this story! itwould mean alot! i would also like to make a shoutout to @CookieHunter and @Beliebin_in_blonde. you guys are amzing!!


Chapter 2- Ariana's POV

I looked into his deep hazel eyes as he stared into my own green orbs. It took me a minute to take it all in and as he started to walk towards me i broke down crying and turned the other way. i didnt know where i was going to go i just knew that it had to be away from the boy who shattered my heart to pieces.

i shoved the schools front door open and ran for the bus stop. i heard im yelling after me but i didnt turn around. i knew  that the second i turned around it would just get worse. after about 2 minutes of running Justin stopped chasing after me and went back to the school, thankfully. the brisk springwind cut across my face but that didnt stop me from getting out of that place. once i reachedthebus station i realized i had almost no change and i would have to get off soon. i decided that the coffee shop about 15 blocks would do.

i walked into the shop and the warmth and bitter-sweet smells filled my nose and warmed me up. i walked up to the barista and ordered a grande caramel capachino. once i recieved my drink i drifted over to a small booth near the window. i sat down on the cold leather as another tear fell from my eye.

i sipped my drink as i heard the bell on the front door chime. i looked up to see Jordyn jogging towards me with open arms. i stood up and was surrounded by her warm embrace. i struggled not to make a complete fool of myself balling my eyes out. we sat down aftera few minutes and started to talk.

"i didnt know it would be this difficult, j." i said softly.

"i know," she replied "but i dont think we should push him away i mean he did come back for us, didnt he?"

"yea i guess he did..wait. how would you know that he came back for us? i mean, he did become famous in the past year! he could have come for some show!"


"what do you mean?!Jordyn didyou already talk to him?!?!"

"well i just thought it was for the best Ari! he had a big oppertunity tat u or i both know was a once in a life time chance. he had to take it.."

"but why did he have to leave.." i said between more sobbs.

"because he had to get out there and make a difference. DO you know how many peopleslifes he has affected?"

"honestly, i was so mad..i have no clue."

"come here. stand up for a quick sec."

"J where r u taking me?" she said as she dragged me towards the barista counter. According to her nametag her name was Kate. "scuze' me miss? do you like Justin Bieber?" Jordyn asked the young lady behind the counter.

"i am actually a very big fan! he has inspired me so much and helped me through the rough patches in the past year. i only wish i knew him.." Kate replied.

"thanks!" Jordyn said walking back to the booth.

"wow.."i grabbed my bag and walked out leaving Jordyn sitting in the booth.

i went back to the bus stop and hopped on. i asked if he could drop me off back at the school. once we arrived i pulled up my hood and walked in trying to be as silent as possible. i went to my locker and retrieved my biology stuff and headed off to the class i was currently late for. icracked open the door and slipped into the seat farthest to the back letting myself in on the lecture going on about electrons and protons.

the rest of the day flew by. a piercing sound rang through my ears and that signaled the release of me to my peaceful home. i was exchanging materials at my locker when  i felt like i was being watched. i looked to my left, to my right...nothing. hm, that was wierd. i shut my locker and headed for the door when i felt a warm hand touch mine. i was spun around to see Justin standing there. i looked back down at his hand in mine. it felt so good, like the missing piece of my hearthad been replaced. but then i remembered what he did to me, jerked my hand back, and continued to talk away.

"Ari, you cant just push me away! i came back because i missed you, not cuz i wantyouto hate me.." Justin said sincerly.

"well honestly Justin i have a few problems. one, dont call me 'ari' only my friends call me that now. and two, i dont think you have any idea what kind of pain you put me through Justin! i felt like a chunck of my heart was ripped out and thrown away!"

"i know and im sorry but i had to go.."

"no didnt have to, you chose to. and this is whatwas created from that choice. me loosing all my love for you."


"oh my gosh."i said as i started to tear up again.

"You love me?"

"LOVED. i did Justin, and i never told you. but what you did broke my heart." i said through my now full on tears. "and i feel like i cant come back from that now.."

"Ari i love you too. that why i had to leave so fast that night. because i couldnt stand to see you break, because iw as breaking myself."

"I need to go," i said quietly.

"Ari please!"

"thats Ariana to you."

"can we please talk about this?!"

"maybe when i know that your hear for good and that you possibly still love me."

"Ari, Ariana, whatever you want. but let me tellyou one thing. i will prove to you that you are what i cam back for. i miss you."

"we'll see."and with that i left the school and headed toward home. when i walked in, i found Jordyn sitting on the couch watching a movie. she looked up at me as we both asked, "long day?"and then at the same we both answeres "yes!" and laughed.i madesome super sweet caramel corn and we told each other abouth the events of what seemed like the longest day of my life.


Hey guys, so i would like to ask a little favor! i will do my next upday when i have 10 comments! k? thanks guys hope you like it so far! let me know what you think!

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