Chapter 3 <3

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hey guys so i know i asked for tencomments but i figured that since this is such a new story i will try to update everyday so that maybe you have something to comment on! lol i guess i should have thought that through before i said anything. but just an idea, if you have any suggestions..please tell me! i am always welcome to new ideas, characters, places, etc. so please please please feel open to do so in the comments! Love you guys :)

~Cassie :D


Chapter 3- Justin's POV

as i watched her walk away i knew i had screwed up big time and that i had to fix this before things got any worse. the one thing that played over and over again in my mind was that she once lovedme and i was so stupid as to not realize it. i cant believe i never realized how i felt for her until i saw her with those stunning green eyes, long dark brown hair, and a smile white as snow walk through that door again for the first time in a year.

"Justin? Justin!" i heard chaz yell at me as he stood not even 2 feet away from me. he had come back to canada with me since he recently came on tour with me he wanted to see his family.

"Sorry bro just got a bunch of stuff on my mind.."


"man its Ariana, i love her.."

"you love her??!? what the hell! bro do you know what scooter or the press is gonna think if they figure out you love someone?!"

"chill chaz! she is pissed at me anyways...she said i have to prove to her that i still love her and that she can trust me again.." i said quietly almost in tears.

"bro you got this you can do it."

"aight, your right!" i said with a grin, "yo chaz..i gotta go! i got a girl to get!"

"okay chief.." chaz said with a sligth lack of confidence.

I bolted out of the school doors and into my car parked in the parking lot. i shoved the key in the ignition and fired up the engine. i stepped on the gas and started driving to the florist. i was speeding down the freeway trying to stay away from the paparazzi that now followed me in my chrome car. i could not let them figure out i was going to a girly flower shop or they would become suspicious and i could not let that happen. i accelerated a bitadn with just my luck i heard sirens! i was screaming on the inside that the paparazzi had been pulled over for maybe tailgaiting, following, chasing!? but no. they pulled me over. for speeding. SPEEDING! i had paps chasing me and a girl to make fall in love with me and they pulled me over. jeez.i pulled off into the shoulder of the road and proceeded to pull out my licence, registration, and reasoning for speeding.

"Hello sir may i please see your licenseand registration?" the officer said matter of factly.

"Here you go."

"thank you..." he said skimming over my things. "do you understand why i pulled you over? you were speeding 20 miles over the speed limit son!!"

"but the paparazzi was chasing me!"


"yes, officer. i am Justin Bieber. Teen Sensation? Girls Heartthrob?"

"oh right. your that kid. where were you headed anyways??"

"The florist shop." i said bluntly. "I need to get my girl back. i messed up big time."

"agh..i see. well because you are in the same position i was in before i saved my relationship with who is now my wife..i will let you go no charge and make sure to keep the paps away. but dont let this happening again. okay?"

"okay thanks officer!" i said as he handed me my things back and walked to the paparazzis vans. i continued to drive for aboutfive more minutes at a now normal speed pulling off at the exit. i turned int o the parking lot of the florist shop parked my car and walked in. the door chimed signalingmy entrance and a older woman walked out from the back.

"hello, Sir. WHat can i do for you today. a boquet? corsage? single flower?"

"actually, its a bit bigger. "


"i need every flower that is in this store shipped to a girls adress. i will pay extra to have the staff decorate her entire house."

"That will be arriving at her house tomorrow. what is her adress and what time would you like delivery?"

"1994 new castle drive. delivery time at say..2?"

"sounds good! if i could just have you sign here...and that will be $3,057.67." i handed her my credit card, she swiped it, and haded it back. i gladly took it, siad a quich thank you and walked out of the store with a wide smile.

i got home that night and went streight to my room to scheme up a new song.

Ah ah ah ah

ah ah ah ah

ah ah ah ah

i always knew you were the one the coolest girl i know

so prettier than all the rest the star of my show...

so many times id wish youd be the one for me


and with that i drifted off to sleep with some very nice dreams ;)

-----------------------------------------------------Next day---------------------------------------------------------------

i woke up nervous for today. today was my first step to forever.

i got dressed in dark jeans, black supras, a yellow tshirt and a black leather jacket. i put on my usual cologne and spent extra time on my hair. i would have to leave school after lunch today in order to be ready for the delivery. but first i had to get a spare key from Jordyn.

i walked into second period and slipped into the desk next to Jordyn and slipped her a note saying this- hey i need the extra key to Ari's house. i have a special suprise planned for her! Pwetty pwetty pwease :)

she read over the note carefully, nodded her head and slipped my the hot pink key. i smiled at ari in the halls all day until it was lunch and i realized i had to leave because se only had one class after this. i sneakily slipped away to my car and drove to arisouse. i waited out front until two big U-haul trucks came down the street and stopped across from me. i opened the door to her house and told them i wanted every table, nightstand, dresser, andcounter top to have flowers everywhere.

they completed their job and left. i remembered i had my guitar with me and got it from my trunk.

i wated in the atrium of her house holding my guitar as i heard her car pull up. the car turned off, i heard her door slam shut, and th elock on the door began to jiggle. she walked in and saw me with a guitar and a house full of flowers. she looked up at me with wide eyes and i began to sing.


sorry its a bit of a cliff hanger guys! please vote, comment, and tell all your friends about this story!! :)

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