━ liz 's cats

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P R O F I L E !

♕♛ | NAME !
full , brindlebark
reasoning for prefix , simply a name - starter which her parents found alluring
reasoning for suffix , for the brindle - y appearance of tree bard

♕♛ | AGE !
age , forty moons , roughly three years

♕♛ | GENDER !
biological , female / molly
preferred , female / molly

sexuality , heterosexual
pronouns , she / her / her 's

basic , chalky - brown short furred molly with green - cocoa eyes
     articulate , brindlebark is a dusty - brown , close - cropped pelted molly with rather brindled shoulders & forelegs . she has a powerful stature , yet a slinky , lithe figure , & her rather attractive facial features are paired with olive - hazel gleaming optics which catch the light & glitter with every smile she casts your muse 's way .

defining features , beautiful optics
     physical disabilities , thin claw - bone , resulting in constantly chipping & breaking claws , poor vision
     mental disabilities , n / a

P R O F I L E C O N T !

♕♛ | RANK !
rank title , queen ( expecting ) 

♕♛ | PERSONA !
overall , while brindlebark can be stern & rather seemingly aloof , the molly can warm to those close to her & finds a certain adoration towards her unborn children , bringing out the protective & motherly aspect of her . when she found she was expecting , lighthearted jokes & compliments sprung from the queen 's mouth , & she became friendlier & more easygoing .
positive traits , motherly nature & responsible
negative traits , quite distant , tends to keep to herself & rarely open up , resulting in the bottling - up on anger & all other emotions which cause brindlebark to blow up with hurt & frustration occasionally .

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