Chapter 15

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Bella's POV.

Honestly they were on the Farris wheel for like 15 minutes till they came off.

"Hi.." I waved.

"Hey." Sammy mumbled.

"HELLO." Riley shouted.

I gave her a weird look. Like a "shut the hell up before I cut you."

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom. You guys can do whatever." I said.

"You sure?" Sammy asked.

"Of course, I'll be fine." I managed to smile.

"Okay. Let's go." They walked off.

I felt tears come. Why should I be crying? I have Nash. And I love him, I think.

-Call with Nash-

Hey. Listen I'm at the fair, you should come? (b)

I thought Sammy was with. (N)

He met this girl. Anyways can you come? (b)

Woah woah wait. He ditched you?! (N)

Please just come. I'm lonely... (B)

Okay okay. I'll be there. Meet me at the entrance. (N)

Bye boo. (B)

Bye angel. (N)

-end on call-

I gotta tell Sammy Nash is coming.

I found Sammy at a game.

"Sammy." I tapped his shoulder.

"Mhm?" He turned around.

"Nash is coming." I answered.

"Oh okay. Riley left so.." He trailed off.

"Yeah sorry.."

"Eh. It's okay." He twiddled his thumbs.

"Well I'm gonna go get Nash." I said.

"I'll come." We walked together too the entrance.

-minutes later-

"Hey boo." Nash picked me up and spun me around.

"PUT ME DOWN." I giggled.

He set me down and pecked my lips.

"Sammy. Wanna do some games?" I walked between them both, holding Nash's hand, and resting my left elbow on Sammy's shoulder.

We all talked and did the ride together.

"I'm hungryyyy." I whined,

"Sameeee." Sammy growled.

We stared at Nash.

"Not so much.." He cracked a smile.

"Everything okay?" I hugged Nash.

"Yeah. Yeah! I'm fine." He smiled.

"Let's eat."

We found this little food truck, which we all got random things to eat.

I got fries, and a cheese burger. Which was gross.

Sammy got fries, and a taco. Which he said was okay.

Nash got a water. He said nothing.

I was starting to feel nervous. First he was hesitant to come here, and now he's acting all strange..

I dunno I guess, guys are hard to figure out..

"Um. Sammy wanna go play games?" I picked up my monkey.

"Yeah!! I'll throw the food away." He took all the garbage and walked over to the trash can.

"What the hell is up with you." I hissed.

"Bella. Stop, okay?" He glared at me.

"Who are you even texting?" Nash was constantly texting.

"No one." He put his forehead on the table and screwed around with his phone.


"What?!" He was pissed.

"Get off. Your phone." I glared at him.

He clicked his phone off and put it in his pocket.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom. See you guys around." Nash got up and stormed off.

"I'm back." Sammy plopped down on the bench.

"Nash is weird." I sighed.

"No shit." Sammy laughed.

"No he's like acting strange.." I stood up.

"Lego?" Sammy stood up.

"Lego." We walked to all of the games and won tons of prizes for each other.

This was so fun, besides nash being a total wet rag, I had fun. Nash left with someone, I couldn't tell who. His mom maybe? Idk..

"It's only10:30 and the nights not done. Lets do some shit." Sammy said.

"I'm tired. Can we get a hotel or something?" I slouched too the car.

"Of course." He picked me up like a bride and carried me too the car.

"SAMMY!!" I screeched. "put me down!!" I punched his back.

"Hold onnnn."

He put me down and put stuff in the trunk. I checked around and saw something that hurt me.

It was Nash.


Riley. Kissing.

I choked out Sammy's name. And then sobbed into my hands.

"Woah woah. What's up?" He put his hands on my shoulder. I pointed where Nash and Riley were.

"Not fucking cool. Can I go over there?" He pulled me into a hug.

"Y-yeah..." I took his arm and walked behind him. Quietly crying into Sammy's arm. Sammy noticed me and pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arm around me.

"Ahem." Sammy walked up to them.

"Fuck Bella.. I can explain!!" Nash reached his hands out too me.

"NO! You said you loved me!! You lying bastard!!" I cried out. "You wrecked me!!"

"I can EXPLAIN JUST LISTEN!!" Nash yelled.

I saw Riley over there acting all innocent and biting her lip at Sammy.

"Don't you fucking dare." I walked up to riley.

"Try me." She smirked.

So I slapped her. Hard.

"UmMm.. let's go!!" Sammy grabbed my hand and ran too the car.

We drove far away to a mountain to watch the stars.

"I thought he loved me.." I stared blank ahead.

"I'm so sorry.." Sammy rubbed his thumb across my hand.

I looked at him for a moment.


Hope you enjoy! There will be long chapters cause I'm in a car for a long time so yah. Enjoy!

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