Chapter 39

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"Thanks for the amazing service!" I yelled and walked out. I went down a alley for a short cut, and believe me. I hated every second of it.

"Hey.." A girls voice said.

"Um." I turned around, it was riley.

"Hey riley.." I smiled.

"You stole nash from me." She scrunched up her nose.

"No I didn't.." I started walking backwards.

"You did too!!!!!" She screamed, she tilted her head, "But. He had a baby...I could've killed her instead, butttt. I wouldn't hurt someone that fragile." She smiled, a evil grin.

"Get away from me you selfless bitch." I said, I started running down the alley, I turned a corner again, and 3 more.

"I- t-think... I- l-lost her." I out my hands on my knees and panted. I saw a store, and ran to the door.

"Call 9-1-1!!!" I yelled.

"Why?" A old man asked.

"Someone's out to kill me!" I cried.

"Ok ok..." He called it.

"They should be here soon." He said, but little did I know he was lying.

"Thank you." I walked out.

I searched through my purse, trying to find something to defend myself with something. I found a nail clipper, don't judge me. I have nothin..

I crept around the block.. Slowly walking to Nandos trying to get to my car. Yeah, it was a success.

-At home-

"NASH?!" I screamed.

"Yeah?" He ran down stairs, I had tears streaming down my face.

"R-riley!!!" I cried, I stood their in the door shaking like crazy.

"What?!" He came closer to me and pulled me into a hug, "sssssh."

"She a-almo-st kill-Ed m-e!" I cried out.

"How?" He sat me down.

"She wore this creepy ass bunny mask after she talked to me, then she ran after me, luckily I outran her, but she had this..... Giant knife....." My eyes widen. "WHERES RYALND."

"Relax she's up in the nursery taking a nap." Nash took me up the stairs, "go check." He said.

I walked in, everything was normal, I walked to the crib, which was wooden, with a yellow bed.

"RYLAND?!" I screamed. I saw a open window.

"Bella?!" He saw Ryland was gone.

"Ohhhh godddddd...." I dropped to my butt and started crying, my baby girl, was kidnapped.

"I- I just put her in here!" Nash said.

"God damnitt!!!!" I screamed and pulled on my hair.

"I'll call the police." Nash ran down.

"R-Ryland?...." I heard noises from the closet.

"N-nasssshhh." Ryland's voice said.


I slowly crawled to the closet, and opened the door, what I saw scared me.

"Mommy!" Ryland, my poor baby. She had been hurt.

"NASH!!!!" I screamed, I was too scared to be alone.

Ryland had a big cut that started from the tip of her forehead, all the way down to her chin. Which was stitched up all creepy like. She lost all her happiness.

"N-no.." I whispered.

"Their comin- Ryland?!" Nash dropped down.


Dayummmm this got intense.. Well at least I thought it did. :)

Ilyyyyyy yeeters❤️

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