Rp If You Want To

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Ok, I'm gonna start letting people rp in this book now, BUT! I have a set of rules for each of them.

1. No smut, but a little kissing is allowed, not make-out scenes, but like, friendly ones. Take it to pm's if you want to go farther.

2: No fighting or aguing about personal stuff. If you want to talk, pm me. I will listen. Trust me. I'm a great listener.

3. As I said, absolutely NO smut! NOT here in the book! I'll get into trouble!

4. Ummm, is there a fourth rule?

Snuffle: How about if you want to make an appointment, they can if they want to? I dunno. *Shrugs*

Me: Anyway, those are the rules. Don't like it, don't rp with me. Haters can go suck an egg.

Snuffle: Yup.

Me: You're agreeing with me?

Snuffle: Yeah, why?

Me: Oh my gosh, I never thought I'd see the day you would actually agree with me!

Snuffle: Heh. I guess you could say that I don't want smacked. I don't care if you try to smack me, I won't feel it. I'm a god. But my wife, now her slaps hurt like hell.

Me: Are you scared of Gabby? Wow....😱

Snuffle: Shut it.

Me: You don't scare me.

Snuffle: *holds up a needle*

Me: Nevermind! Forget what I said!

Snuffle: Good. Y'all can cuss too if you want, I don't care.

Me: Just not too much. And bleep it out if you have to.

Snuffle: ......

Me: What? I'm not a fan of the harsher words.

Snuffle: Whatever.

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