
10 3 1

My voice is drowning in the vast sea of uncaring faces, yet it seems all eyes turn on me, boring a hole in my mind as my chest rips open and all my thoughts are thrown violently from my tongue.

Vulnerable is my heart, beating faster and faster and faster and faster and faster and faster until it bursts into clouds of crimson and pearl, spiraling high into the air like a flare on a lonely mountainside.

This turmoil in my head.

How my teeth are stones, grating against the impulse of want, need, desire.

Swallowing, though the lump of fear and pain in my throat consumes me inside and out.

My breath is gone.

I grasp for it with trembling hands, grasp for something steady, but nothing is there.

The world spins around, and I grasp for peace and sanity, though I do not find it.

This turmoil in my head.

My ears screech with unpleasant sound, ringing so high and deep that I can not think about anything but my grievances.

My eyes wobble and weep, pouring lakes of clear waters from their corners, as my last bit of control melts away like ice cream on a scorching summer afternoon.

This turmoil in my head.

Have you felt it too?

Help me as you would help your friend.

This turmoil in my head.

Make it stop, this Hell in my brain.

Poems of an IntrovertWhere stories live. Discover now