Chapter 1: Forever Lonely With Money..

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|Hi.. :)|

(Mello's POV)

I wake up to the sound of alarm going off on a Thursday morning. I groan then get up and tried finding my clothes from yesterday. I fucking hate one night stands with random girls I don't even fucking  know, I just find them at parties and they happen to look attractive and I look attractive so I just sleep with them. Being young and rich is fucking horrible yet awesome. I put on the clothes from yesterday in hopes that everyone was drunk to realize what I wore yesterday. I walked outside my house and then walked to school which I pretty sure everyone hates and I'm no different. I texted Julian (Slushii) because I'm bored af.

I arrived at the front of the school and then I went inside to meet my friends who were Julian (Slushii), Sonny (Skrillex), and Tanner (Getter) who were waiting by my locker. I was always the last one there so everyone's there before I am. Sonny approached me very suspiciously but that was natural for him.

"So I heard rumors that this new kid is a girl.. Gonna try to hook her up with yourself?"He asked.

"Pft! Yeah if she's hot!"I said.

"We've had good looking transfers here for like 5 years I doubt that this one isn't going to be pretty!"He said. I nodded and then the bell ringed so we went to our classroom for our first class.

I walked through the door into the classroom and sat in my desk and waited for awhile. The teacher then spoke up.

"Alright class, a new student will be arriving here in a minute so please wait awhile for them to get here. We are not starting class until they get here"The teacher said. I sighed then talk to Tanner who sat behind me.

"Don't get into them Chris, you don't want have a boner here in class do you?"He said.

"Eh fuck off! I don't get erect so easily now so it's gonna be tough to do that."I said. He scoffed then turned away. I wonder.. Who is the new student gonna be like? Is she gonna be asshole or a sweetheart? Just depends I guess.. Out of the mostly whispered filled classroom, I heard the door knob rattle a little bit then it turned and the door opened to reveal a person wearing a maroon hoodie. The teacher saw them and started to introduce them.

"Alright class, this is.."She said before she whispered something to the kid and then they took off their hoodie.

".. This is Alan Walker and he's from Norway so he's not very familiar with America so don't go so rough on him because I know how much new kids get picked on then saved by Christopher and eventually become very close friends and then very interesting things happen. I know your guys' way.. Anyways just don't go so rough! Alan please take a seat."The teacher said. She's a very young teacher and knows what happens behind the school.

The kid had light brown hair that glistened in the light.. He had blue eyes that sparkle.. His skin was pale like snow.. He walked around the class lookin for a seat but the kids here are complete assholes and don't let him have a seat. He was beginning to look a whole lot more nervous than before. I felt bad for him.

"Wow..! You guys are real jerks! Christopher let Alan sit with you please.."She said. My body heated up at that and he made his way over to me and once he got to my desk, he brushed his hair out of his face.

"Uh.. Um.."He stammered.

"Um.. You can sit here.."I said then scooted over a little bit and he sat down on the very edge.

"I'm not gonna bite you know.."I chuckled. He smiled then scooted in a little closer. His smile literally lit up the world..

The teacher went on to teach the class while I just looked at him all the time and didn't pay attention. He occasionally look up at me but I quickly looked back to the teacher so he wouldn't get freaked out. The bell rang and I left straight out the door. I looked back and saw the new kid getting trampled by running students, he needs to get use to the 'stampedes' if he's gonna go to this school. I went back to him and he rubbing his face which was red.

"Umm.."I murmured. He looked at me and all I could do was freeze.

"Do uh... You speak English?"I made out.

"Uh.. Y-Yes.."He said.

"Oh.. Do you need any help?"I asked him.

"Yes I do.."He murmured. I grabbed his hand and his skin was so smooth and soft. I pulled him up and he smiled at me.

"Thank you.."He said quietly.

"No problem.."I said. He left and I just stood there and wondered.. Did I find actual love? I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was Tanner laughing along with Julian and Sonny.

"You should've seen your face..!"They all laughed.

"It was so red!"They all laughed again. I felt my body heat up and my cheeks turned red.

"Seems like you have a little boy crush on the new kid!"Julian laughed.

"Shut up I don't! Besides I'm not gay!"I yelled. They all laughed then left. What if I'm gay though? If I was.. Would all those girlfriends I had be nothing to me or.. I don't know. I walked to my next class and all I could think about was that new kid.. I really should stop calling him new kid and call him by his actual name..

You know what I'm glad that these fan fictions still exist somewhere in this world. How do you like the story? I think it's gonna be a good story and it's gonna have a lot of drama so expect that in the next chapter ;)! Anyways have a great day and I'll talk to my little blossoms later! Bye!- EG!

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