Chapter 14: I Walk In, When The World Walks Out

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(Chris's POV)

It's the end of school, finally. I made my way out of school and to Alan's house. How will Alan react when I'm there? He didn't pick up any of my calls or answer my texts. So, I'm actually nervous about him.

Couple blocks later, I made to his house. It looked a lot more darker and gloomier in the rain than it did when it was perfectly sunny. I knock on his door, slowly being consumed by the light rain. Couple minutes go by and someone answers. A girl with long hair in a ponytail, answered the door.

"Are you Chris?" She asked, she had a Norwegian accent. I nodded. She then motioned me inside and led me inside to the living room, which was actually pretty bright compared to outside. Alan's mother was sitting on the couch along with her husband.

"Chris, glad you could make it!" Hilde exclaimed happily. She stood up and hugged me. Everyone else smiled, including I think his siblings.

"Please, do you need anything?" She asked me.

"Oh um, no thank you." I said nervously. She nodded.

"Where is Alan?" I asked.

"In his room, he hasn't come out here ever since the funeral yesterday." She explained.

"Oh... I'm sorry.." I mumbled.

"No no, it wasn't your fault." She said.

"If you don't mind me asking but, why are you acting so happy?" I asked.

"We just gotta keep a good spirit, if not, everyone here would be heavily depressed." She answered.  I nodded understandingly.

"Sorry if we're a little... overly happy for something that's not so happy.." She murmured.

"No no! It's ok, I was just asking." I said.

"Hilde," Alan's dad called to her. She then looked back at her husband.

"Du må komme til poenget. Chris er trolig venter." (You need to get to the point. Chris is probably waiting.) He said.

"Men han er sikkert lurer på hva som skjer, jeg må fortelle ham det." (But he's probably wondering what's going on, I've gotta tell him.) She said.

"Mamma, er du snill." (Mom, please) The girl with the ponytail said. Hilde then sighed and went towards me.

"Alan is in his room. Please, don't be tough on him. He's very sensitive..." She mumbled to me. I nodded and went upstairs.

"Second door to the left, by the way." The girl called. I took that information and found his door. I waited a while before I knocked on his door,

No one answered. So I tried again. No answer.

"Alan? It's me, Chris... Listen, your parents called me over to help you and... I really need you cope with me now, alright? I know you're going through some things but, I'm here to help you get through it. I'm your friend, right? Isn't that what friends do? They help each other out. If you consider me your friend, you would trust me. But that's only if you do trust me or not. You don't have to open the door, you can just talk to me like this. Do whatever you want that makes you feel alright. If you want me to go away, I'll... I'll go away. But I'm here to help you, so please, can you say something?..." I mumbled. I heard the door knob rattle before the door was open.

Alan stood there. He had black circles around his eyes, red eyes, red cheeks, and bags under his eyes. He looked horrible.

"Alan..." I mumbled. He then hugged me tightly. I hugged him back tightly. He then brought me into his room, while still hugging me. He then fell on the bed, along with me still being hugged by him. I was on the bottom as he kept on hugging me, and I think crying softly.

"Chris..." He cried.

"Hm?" I hummed.

"I'm sorry..." He whimpered.

"Why are you sorry?.." I asked.

"For making you worry so much about me...." He cried even more.

"No no no no no... Don't blame this on yourself.." I comforted him even more. He held on me tightly.

After a while, he fell asleep in my arms. While I was still awake in his arms. The crying must've made him tired. I stroked his soft, silky hair as he was just laying there motionless. The only thing you could hear was his soft snoring, which almost put me to sleep. I heard someone open the door and it was his whole family at the doorway. I sat up slowly, trying not to wake him.

"Thank you..." His mom mouthed quietly. She was almost on the verge of crying. I stood up and gently sat him his bed, where he tried to reach for me in his sleep but failed to reach me and fell back to sleep. He's so fucking adorable.

I walked out his room to meet his family outside the door.

"Thank you Chris, hopefully it'll have a uplift his mood." His dad said.

"I almost forgot how adorable he was." The girl with the ponytail giggled.

"Oh, I don't think you met these two before." His mom said as she looked at the girl and another boy I didn't recognize.

"This is Camilla, Alan's older sister, and Andreas, Alan's little brother." She explained. They both greeted me.

"Thank you so much Chris for helping us with Alan. I don't think he would've let any of us in besides you." His mom thanked me.

"No problem." I said. She smiled a warm smile.

"If you want, you can stay with us." She offered.

"I wish I could but I got a friend I've gotta meet later so, I'm sorry." I said.

"Oh it's no problem." She said. I walked downstairs and exited to my house, but not before saying goodbye to all of them.

Although I heard her say to her husband: "Jeg liker ham. Han er fin å Alan og oss." (I like him. He's nice to Alan and us) I don't know what she said but hopefully it wasn't something bad.

Hey, long time no see, yeah? I'm back at again with another chapter of this story. I've taken a small break but I think I'm getting back on track for this book again!
Have a good day/night and I'll see you all later! Bye!

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