Chapter 2

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Karma took one of her skulls off of her wing and throw it to Ticci Toby and said, "Happy Hanukkah." Toby screams and runs to Slenderman mansion while being chased by the skull. Rose, Karma and Lucas followed after him while laughing because it was funny. Once we got there and Karma took off skull from Toby's arm and puts on his head. Toby ran into the door and fell through the door. Karma and Rose just shakes their head and walks inside with Lucas. Rose picks up the skull and hands it back to Karma and she puts back on her wing. Rose said, "Well that was very interesting." She giggles and looks around. Slenderman teleport in front of the group and says in their minds "Who might you two girls and boy be?" Rose said "I am Rose and this is Karma and Lucas" She points at herself and Karma and Lucas. Karma said "should we talk in your office Mr. Slenderman?" Slenderman says in their mind, "Very well then" while he teleports to his office and Karma teleports right away him. Rose waves at Toby and grabs Lucas and teleports after them.


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