The adventures in Amsterdam - 28th/29th of August

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So today I was at a friends house after work. because I am a lazy bugger I had taken the tram to work and then took the tram to his house. at like eleven I said "I think I should go home soon so I can take the last bus." I kept saying this for about 45 minutes until I finally left.

I got on the tram to the stop I had to change at and walked from the tram stop to the bus stop. on my way I took my phone out of my pocket to check the time to see i I missed the last bus. I had five more minutes so I grabbed my book to start reading as I did so a man walked past and bid me a good evening. I bid him one too and returned my attention to my book. The bus came and I stepped on putting my hand in my pocket to retrieve my wallet. No wallet! I felt again and grabbed my other pocket to check it knowing it was empty exept for the sticky remains of wet sweets i still hadn't removed. I looked in my had even though I could have sworn I'd put it in my pocket. After two stops when the driver had scolded other passangers for not checking in he gave me a pay-or-get-out look. I said, "I'll just get out here, I can find my wallet." He shrugged and gave me the typical dutch "Tja" I stepped out of the bus and sank to my knees at the busstop to properly search my bag in the light of the streest lamps. No wallet!

Could it have been the man at the buss stop? I thought, could he have stolen it? but my pocket had been zipped up and Iḿ sure I would have noticed. Could it have fallen out of my pocket when I checked the time on my phone? Yes, it could have.

So I walked back to the Mercatorplein from the Posjesweg (chanting all the way). Which seemed like quite a walk but after looking it up I can tell you it is only about 800 meters. I searched up and down the tramstop wher I got off the tram and the route I took from there to the bus stop. I was almost at the buss stop, I had almost given up hope and broken down into tears when ther sticking out of the tram rails was my little silver wallet! I was ready there and then to break into tears of joy. but people were looking at me funny so I didn't.

I embarked on the journey home which is about 3.5 kilometers (plus the 800 back to retrieve my wallet) I can tell you my feet hurt. I will just say that as I walked home I thought of all the friends that live on or near that route. If I turn in here I will reach my dad's house, or my friend Rose 's or turn the other way and I will be at my friend Minou's. And then I thought of the last time I walked home over the Overtoom. Monday also in the middle of the night.

Well good night people

I feel(felt. until I had to walk home) like the luckiest person on earth.

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