Chapter 4 - Peralta 9544

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So what did you all think of episode 2 of season 6? I don't know about you guys, but I am really enjoying the new season. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 4 - Peralta 9544
Amy's POV

It had been a week since Jake's birthday, and a week since I was restricted to desk jobs only. Jake came to me to help on some of his cases, which helped hide the fact that I wasn't going out on the field. Jake was obsessed with the baby, and would constantly check that both of us were OK. It was really sweet and I loved seeing him that way. I just couldn't wait to see him with the baby when he/she is born. Jake and I had agreed that we would find out the sex before the baby was born. I wanted to know so I could be prepared, and Jake was just impatient. 'How's Peanut? X' Jake texted me whilst we were at work. We had got into the habit of calling the baby peanut as we hadn't started thinking of names yet. 'Peanut is fine. I'm hungry though x' I replied.

"I'm going to take a break. Ames, do you want anything from the shop?" Jake asked, standing up from his desk.

"Could you get me a cereal bar or something please?" I asked, smiling, and he nodded before leaving the precinct.

Whilst Jake was out, I headed over to the evidence locker and started looking for the evidence box for his case. I eventually found it, but needed Jake's help to get it down. He had ordered me not to lift anything too heavy and had deliberately put it on a high shelf so he would know if I got it down. I sighed and made my way back to my desk.

"Does anyone know if Jake's back yet?" I asked, seeing them all crowded around Gina's desk. I walked closer and saw a radio on her desk. I stopped next to Rosa and heard the one thing I feared the most.

"Peralta 9544. Show me going," Jake's voice said over the radio.

"What? What's happening?" I asked, starting to panic.

"Terry, take Amy into my office," Holt said and Terry lead me into the office.

"Just take a breath, Amy," Terry said in an attempt to calm me down.

"Please, just tell me where Jake is going," I said, on the verge of tears.

"There's an active shooter situation at a school nearby. They were asking for available officers. Jake responded. He's going to be ok, you just need to focus on staying calm. Getting stressed won't help the situation, and it won't be good for the baby," Terry explained.

My heart was beating out of my chest. Terry asked if I was OK and I just nodded. He left to see if there was any news. I just sat in the same spot, staring into space. I just hoped Jake was careful. I trusted him with all my heart, but I was still worried. I knew he'd have all the gear on, but things could still go wrong. I took a few more breaths before I went back out to join the squad.

"Any news?" I asked and they shook their heads.

"A couple of civilians have been injured. They believe there's 2 shooters," Holt said and I nodded.

"Are you ok?" Rosa asked me and I smiled.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said and she pulled me to one side.

"Look, I know this is hard for you. I've been where Jake is. He's not going in alone. He's going to be fine," Rosa said and I nodded.

"Thanks, Rosa," I said and she gave me a hug. It was rare, but it was well needed.

We spent another few minutes waiting for updates, but it was clear nothing was happening yet. We all retreated back to our desks. I attempted to focus on some work, but I couldn't concentrate. I rested my hand over little peanut, hoping no one would notice me. I picked up my phone from the desk and smiled. 'I love you both so much. Keep little peanut safe. I'll be home with you both very soon -J x'. He obviously sent this when he decided to go to the shooting. I didn't blame him - he would never turn down anything like this. But I'm glad he sent me a text before he went in. It meant a lot to me.

"Shots fired," Rosa called out to the precinct after about 10 minutes.

"What?" I asked, standing up. My hand went to my belly, but I didn't care.

"All it says is two officers down. There's no news about who. It won't be him, Amy," Rosa said. My hand dropped from my stomach. It would be too risky if I kept it there.

"Shots were fired, two officers are down, but it's not Peralta," Holt confirmed, coming out of his office.

I nodded and smiled, sitting back down at my desk. I pulled my phone out again and opened a new text to Jake. 'Hey. We love you too. Little peanut is fine - missing daddy though. Come home safe. Love you -Ames xx'. Texting him was the only way I could stop myself from spiralling.

The next half an hour passed slower than ever before. "I have some news. They've arrested the two shooters. Four officers went down, but none of them are Peralta. He's on his way back and will be here soon," Captain Holt said and I nearly burst into tears with happiness.

The whole precinct had a new energy about it. I couldn't wait until Jake was back. I was so proud of him, and would be so pleased when he was back here. I turned my attention back to my work, hoping it would make the time pass faster. Around 15 minutes later, the door to the lift opened. I had never run faster. I flew out of my chair, across the bullpen and into Jake's arms. He held me tightly before pulling away and kissing me.

"I love you so much," he whispered as we broke apart.

"We love you too," I whispered in his ear. Jake rested his hands on my waist, his thumbs rubbing my belly. We looked into each other's eyes and I smiled.

"Peanut's fine," I said and he smiled.

"Jake!" Charles shouted and ran across the bullpen to greet his best friend.

I stepped back and let everyone speak to Jake, after all, I had all evening to sit with him. I watched Jake in awe as he said hello to everyone on the squad. I couldn't imagine what he had just been through, and here he was, acting as if nothing had happened. But it did. He kept glancing over at me a smiling. He would look from my eyes, to my belly and back to my eyes again, almost as if he was making sure peanut and I were still ok. And we were, both of us were just fine.


So I hope you enjoyed this chapter. There are some similarities to Season 5 Episode 20 'Show Me Going' but I really like that episode and wanted to add something a little bit more dramatic to the story.

Anyway, please vote and comment! And do let me know if there's anything I can do to improve the story (@Undead_JakePeralta I have taken on your suggestion for this chapter and will go back and edit the other ones).


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