Chapter 7:: The sad part

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Ever felt like you're someone's sometimes?

To be honest I've been there... You know it's quite sad when you give someone your whole heart with no doubts or regrets cause by doing that it shows how much trust you have for that particular person...

I used to lie a lot to my parents, come up with stories, break some of my house rules and sacrifice some of the things just to be with this "particular guy ".However the person didn't notice anything and he has no idea how I used to get shouted and yelled at because of him.. How I used to stress myself whenever my data got depleted cause I wanted to talk to him so badly so every time when my data got depleted I would stress a lot.

I still remember when I was about to start with my final exams.. Alright so that time my mom was having some problems with her cell phone so she asked me to borrow her my cell phone.. So since I was about to start with my final exams I borrowed my mom my cellphone plus I was not using it anyway.

Before I gave my mom my cellphone I texted the guy who I was dating and told him that I'm going to be offline for a while due to my exams and he understood

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