Chapter 8

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Alright so since he understood I gave my mom the cellphone. So I was not in contact for almost a month then when I was done with my final exams the first thing I thought of was him..

So when I got home I asked my mom to give me back my cellphone cause I really wanted to talk to him plus I missed him a lot..

As as I got my phone the first I did was to send him a text. Alright so I sent him a text and the saddest part was that the guy had already moved on with his life.

I was so sad to be honest because I thought after writing my exams things will now go back to normal since I was offline for a while.. However the person moved on with his life and I was just left hanging like that..

It pained me a lot because I still loved him but from his side he moved on just like that....But then I told myself to move on cause pain ends

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