chapter one

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Hi my name is Jillian Jay weird last name for a girl right. I sound like a pretty normal girl but I'm not ... I get bullied. I also get abused by my parents. It's just weird to me because I thought your family is for a loving not hurting you right let me tell you about my family.

Let's start with my sister. I loved my sister yeah I know what you're thinking loved your sister. Yes I said loved her name is Lilian Jay yes she is my twin. When we were young we used to do that twin thing where you know what they're thinking. We used to be so close but now we're not you would think your twins supposed to stay together. That's what I thought well guess not all things are true. What the amazing part about this is that my sister also bully me. She gets me in trouble with my parents where the abuse gets worse.

There's not really much for my parents. I don't know where my parents work I think they're just business people. We have a lot of money lots and lots of money might as well say we're rich yeah we're rich. I only have two best friends. Their names are Ashley James Hannah Robinson weird names that's what I thought but I love their names really catchy to me. My sister is also the queen bee of the school. She really gets on my nerves her and her minions be going around school thinking they own the place. Her minion names are Britney Brown and Bella James. Bella James is Ashley sister she's older than Ashley by one year. Ashley and Hannah also get bullied but they also stick up for me because I get the most out of everyone. Just because I'm the queen bee little sister well that should be great right but it's really not at least not for me.

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