chapter twelve

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    I am so going to die. That's all I can think as I'm running down the halls of the compound from a very angry Hawkins who's holding a knife. I don't remember how I got here, what time of day it is, or why Hawkins is so mad but it's my reality right now.

    "You have messed everything up!" I hear his deep voice growl at me. I dare a glance backwards and notice he's gaining on me. "You deserve to suffer! You are a despicable beast!" He's yelling at me now.

    Wait, I've heard him say these words before.

    But he wasn't saying them to me. He was saying them before he killed that innocent child. This information makes me lose focus and I trip. Of course I trip. What horror movie in the history of mankind has the actor run smoothly without a single fault? The actor always trips. It's a fact just like when given the choice of running out the door or upstairs, the actor always chooses upstairs. Except this is different. I'm not an actress and this isn't a movie. Sadly, this is simply my clumsiness.

    What did I even trip on? We're in an empty endless hallway. I look over to where I tripped and scream. It's the boy. He's twitching again and screaming that horrid scream that makes me want to take my eardrums out. I'm backwards crawling away from the boy and I bump into the wall and collapse.

    Hawkins is on me in seconds.

         "You are a beast pretending to be human." Are his words before he stabs the knife into my heart.

    I scream myself awake. My body jolts upright until I'm sitting, breathing hard, and clutching the sheets. Oh god, that dream was a disaster. I can't even call that a dream. It was a nightmare. It's been about two weeks since I first got out of the asylum. I've had these nightmares before but never this bad. Every day has been the same: I wake up, eat breakfast, go to mental training, go to lunch, go on a long run, do weights, eat dinner, shower, and then retire to my room. They're long boring days but at least I have Ty and Josh to talk to. Even Parker sometimes.

    My door suddenly slams open and I brace myself for it. Either this is my nightmare continued or I really am about to be killed. But then I see from the light in the hall that it's just Parker. He's bracing the door-frame with both hands up high and I feel like he posing without actually knowing it.

    I glance around the room and find the dresser is in pieces and my clothing is all over the place. I squint trying to figure out how it happened and then I see that the wood is burnt. Crap. In my panic I must have sent an electric current through the first thing I saw. I'm probably going to need another one of those.

    "Are you alright?" His voice is hushed and I realize that he out of breath. Did he run all the way to my room? I nod my head, not daring to speak because he'll catch the lie before it leaves my tongue. My head finally catches up with what I'm seeing and I try not to let my eyes get too wide.

    It's Parker. It's a much disheveled Parker. He has no shirt on and I try not to stare too long at his very muscular, shirtless body. He has on jeans but they aren't buttoned or zipped so his grey boxers are visible. I assume that he threw the jeans on quickly before running here. 

Did I mention the abs? I feel like I need to mention them again. And his hair. Oh my god, his hair. Normally, it's very kept and purposely sticks up above his forehead in that weird style guys do. I can't say that it's kept at all right now. It's so wild and tousled that I can't decide whether it's really attractive or really funny.

    "You screamed." He states and it's the first stupid thing I've ever heard him say. The tears puddle in my eyes, but I don't dare let them spill. Not in front of Parker.

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