Chapter 22

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It's been about a week since Jason asked me to dance with him and we have been preparing and dance over the span of that time and I think we are finally ready to show the class what we have prepared. I got up to get dressed into dance clothes but it's really early so I'm just going to dance alone in the studio at school.

^^This is what you wore^^

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^^This is what you wore^^

I grabbed mt earbuds, my phone, and all the things I need for school and started heading to school. I walked because I felt like I need a break from being an Idol and just be the normal me for once since debut. I haven't walked to school in a long time and I felt like it would be a nice thing to do.

After the walk I got to school and surprisingly I didn't get stopped by fans at all it felt nice. I feel like since we just debuted it was a nice way of feeling normal after all of the craziness that has been going on in my life. I mean I finally got to debut, I have lived with NCT when I first moved here, I have met my favorite and my bias is my boyfriend. It feels like a dream if I'm being honest but if it is I never want to wake up. But anyways I'm not in the studio setting my phone up to the speakers.

I only got through 2 songs before I heard clapping and I looked towards the door and saw Rocky and of course I got embarrassed just by looking at him.

"H-Hey. How long have you been there?" I ask stuttering a bit because of being flustered.

"From the start of the second song. I always forget how good of a dancer you are." He said coming closer to me. He got to me and hugged me.

"What is this for?" I ask since he never just hugs me randomly especially out in public.

"Is it so wrong for me to hug my girlfriend?" He said in a sarcastic tone.

"No but you never hug me while we are at school." I said still a bit confused but also very scared of getting caught.

"So things can change but for now... dance with me." He said letting me go and grabbing my hand and pulling me to the center of the room then going to my phone, unplugging it and plugging his in. He turned on music and then came back to me and we started dancing.

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